Monday, December 24, 2012

Arghhh, it's christmas.

And so it is Christmas.

Yea, for thiose of you that aren't native. in danmark we hold christmas with the pressents and all the food, gatherings and stuff n the 24th. in the evening.
Naturaly the kids are hyped and already had way too much sugar, bored and impatient. But is't that the general norm everywhere. and we've not even ready to get out the door.

Once again I find the situation strange as hell, as to me it's just monday. Sure there's a few things I need to deal with extra. But essentially it's merely monday. Tomorrow will be a form of Feasting day for the whole family and again well, it's just Tueday. Rigth?

Sometimes I wonder why I have such a bleak attitude towards stuff like this. Basicly I don't care. it has little intrest to me. Still if certain things and traditions aren't handled prober I'll get that hollow feeling that something is missing.

Then I start thinking if of my own device or something external.
If it was internal, why would I feel bleak once the days have past. and if it's external why am I affected.

Yea, it's short one, not too cherry. But don't let that get to you. Afterall it is christmas and there's a smile on everyone (not fighting). And you'll not go missing the spirit here. Afterall fake it till you make it. First of people don't really care, second have their own stuff on their minds.

Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The End?

Why not pick up on last post.

Today being the end of the world. A hot topic is what will you be doing if the world would come to an end tonigth.
Well, personally I'd be doing what I'm already doing. The show must go on and you'll never know how effective the apocalypse will be. Well, once you know it doesn't quite matter now does it.

What i do find amussing is how affected people in general are. From the loonies that builddoomsday bunkers to the loonies spending all their asserts as it won't matter. To the cynics that shakes their heads as a response to the loonies. But more so the public reaction to it.
Appearntly the morningshow have consisted 90% of this. I've noticed the FB and G+ streams to contians quite a bit of this (mostly comics and funny pics). But for some reason everyone around me seems to take it with some uuuh big thing....

Maybe I'm essentially a cynic myself as I really don't care (got better things to do), or maybe it's one of those  how's the weather thing. Surely i find a few of the funny pictures hilarious, at the same level as #caturnday.

Well though of the day. Now I think I'll better get back to the things I really want to finish off ASAP, like writing that mail I've been postponing for 4 days.

Incase I'm wrong and we'll have an apocalyse later on, Best of luck. May the randomness protect you all.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ramblings of the day.

So, I best not fall back here. So keeping it up.

Don't have much to put in words today.
Been trying to get at #ingress for a while and was prepared to wait until open Beta. but it seems I got lucky, so I'm one of the few invited. And that is something special. I notice loads of people been waiting a month for this, Putting in work hours, like suggesting portals, creating artwork, solving riddles or try to solve them. But alas they are cheated.
I must admit I haven't been shy to vent my frustration over my inability to solve the riddles or even get any headway with them, even if almost presented with the solution. And as a countermeasure I'd been pulling of something that is called a bruteforce attack.

Those of you that don't know what Ingress or Bruteforceattack is:
Ingress is a game google launched November 15th. and it's essentially about capturing/saving the world. It's a game that takes place in the real world, so if you see someone standing close to a cultural monument of sorts, and fiddling with their phone. there's a good chance it's ingress. Try asking them some can be funny.

Bruteforce attack is essentially testing for a pass code.
Say you have a password that is a letter. For me to guess it I would be pretty sure to get it if testing 25 different letters. Just starting with a, b, c.....
Ingress invitation codes are 8 letters, so bruteforcing that would mean I'd test AAAAAAAA, then AAAAAAAB....AAAAAABA, AAAAAABB etc etc. Eventually I'm supposed to hit a correct combination and I'm fairly good at doing a manual task like that until completion.

Maybe people realized that once I'd succeed, I would effectively steal a code from someone else. So giving me a code directly might have been a preventive measure. But I don't really care, I'm in.

Still it puts my hard natured morale compass at work. I know it's not fair for someone. But is it globally fair. The goals justifies the means?
How far should one be willing to damage someone else in order to attain their goals? When does it become unacceptable. What line needs to be cross before it's simply no longer okay to abuse intimate knowledge of the system?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Meeting demands

Hmmm, it seems like that didn't went all to well with the daily updates. I guess I need a bit of time to prepare for "off hours". Even though I'm mostly infront of a computer, I don't always have the time or attention to actually put words togther in a meaningfull manner. Tangable then...

One of the reasons are well kids. Having 3 of them tends to drag me away from everything else loads of the time. another reason is #ingress.
Yea, laugh. But the games seems fun like Turf, and I'm gonna play it when I get in. (Currently seems like i need to bruteforce hack my way into the game, manually).
Third somethings things are happening outside in the real world. places that don't rely on networks ;) These are setting need my attention from time to time.

Trying to do everything all the time often puts me in a form of stress. I'm told that's harmfull, and 2-4 hours of daily sleep isn't enough. But with all the things going on everywhere. How can you sleep. Guess my curious nature will be my ruin some day. Then again it's what's keeping me alive.
I have tried pretty much everything I want to try. I've done everything I wanted to do. I've seen pretty much everything worth seeing.
I'm essentially done... And happy about it. I've completed my tasks for this lifetime.

People around me knowing me and knowing how I deal with stuff, are perplexed as I have a rather mellow reaction to everything. And they don't understand why. The basic reason is that it's nothing new really, if you start boiling it down. The problem you're facing isn't really unique. Some idevidual parameters are unique, but the overall problem and solution is seen before and loads of people could fix it. So if I as the sole "fixer" on the problem should oor would be eliminated, I can be easy replaced, well maybe not easy. Also if I'm elimitated and you can't continue without me, I can't help you anymore. And you will be responsible for drawing apon the teachings I have bestowed on you. Like it or not. End of Line, it's not my problem anymore.

So why keep breathing?
I'm currious of what will happen next. How will things unfold? Will my predictions hold true?
The result is that I'm essentially fearless. As i have nothing to fear. There's nothing that can truely hurt me. Only the things I deside should have the power to cause me harm. And then it becomes something else...

See now I want to put in a motivational quote of the day. I have a few, but won't bother looking for them. maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Post redesign

So I've remodeled the blog somewhat, split things into categories of interest. That should make it more easy to  actually land here painlessly:)

As you might notice I don't use pictures and other fancy flashy elements. I use text, and loads of it.
I'll try and keep it down in the future.
Another thing is I tend to poke things that are bugging my mind. Some of these things have been circling in my head for quite a while before I share it with anyone. That makes a lot if my stuff heavy.
I'll try to not dig too deep, but that removes my urge to put anything in text as it's already too light and so on.
Therefore use the comments please, use mail if you don't like being public. I believe I have opened so people can post anonymously, I hate that word. But I understand that sometimes it's prudent not to flash your ID badge when opening your mouth. We all do things we'd rather not, yet don't have the privilege to actually take the battle that comes with disagreement of the establishment.

Also I'll see if i can't get into me more scheduled release plan.
I figure for my project blog and The Eve world a Weekly release is do able, while I might wanna try to get a daily post on the Rambling page. At any rate feel free to comment, I have next to no comments or readers for that matter. I expect that to change over time as long as I simply keep up the consistent posting. So throw me a line, maybe I can improve something and we all like improvements :)
Another thing I'll learn here is to use the saved post system. Which will be a rather interesting experience.
If you didn't know how I write these, and why they are this messy. It's because what i write here is most often from brain to net. I start out having a thread, a point and a context. During my writing I could easily change my mind 2 or 3 times, as the slow speed of typing puts things in a different perspective. Same thing when you have to explain something so humans have a snowballs chance in hell to figure out what I'm saying...
See I'm even doing it right now.

Prober editorial principles would now dictate me to rewrite half of this. Not going to happen.
I've tried it. The result was catastrophically bleak.
What I do seem to have learned is that, now I have some 5 more walls of texts as the one above here, detailing and spinning and going deeper, explaining more and more.

You people don't want me to do that really. You want to tick this post off as "have been read".
I'll try to respect it, and I seem like I need a ending keyword? hmmm. Cool:

  1. Daily posts incoming.
  2. This is all rambling, Eve and projects have moved.
  3. Lighter more reader friendly posts
  4. Commentary is needed for improvement, give me input.
  5. five point lists are 2 points too many :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Forgive and forget?

Once more it has been a while. And this time i guess i bring about one of the heavies.
First I feel a need to point out that I'm not in any way religious, yet I am a very spiritual person.

I came across this Love and forgiveness as tools of personal growth while catching up on my stream, and the title stirred something so i started reading. My first realization is that now I know what people mean when they tell me I throw to many words at them without pause :)

To sum up what I get from it:

  1. You life is basically set at the age of 6.
  2. Parents are especially responsible for their childrens mindset.
  3. Setting the correct path makes most thing peachy.
  4. Forgiveness is a very strong tool.
I don't completely agree, but I see the point and I even learn from reading it.
First off I had to set aside that it wasn't written with people like me in mind. And that most people are not like me. From there I can raise my mind above it all and look for the good parts that I'd like to pass on to others in search of decent living principles.

Keep in mind there's no "Way of life", each individual perceives the world through a filter that in composed of a multitude of things that have different influence by each individual. Any proficient psychologist would or should know that. Yet it is often a forgotten fact. Maybe you like red meat while I like mine medium done, and both ways are EQUALLY fine.. As there is no set path in life, and tastes are different.

Not too long ago I was presented to a likewise spiritual person from a completely different culture then my own European upbringing. and I believe the first philosophical challenge I presented was why she should be the judge of what is good and bad?

It's a common misunderstanding that if you mean well your actions are benevolent (good in nature). Trouble arises when you start to judge what other should perceive as well being. A classic is the one of helping out...
That is not always the benevolent path as helping might prevent the individual being helped from evolving into to a stronger person.
I figured an old Buddhism story about giving moneys to beggars were in fact seen as a "bad" karma thing, where most other cultures would see it as a "good karma" thing. (Yes, I know that there is nothing such as "good karma" and that all karma is bad, but that is something for time to discuss).

That was somewhat of a sidetrack which I don't think I closed prober, but we can do that some other time. Main point here and the line I'm walking is good and bad is always down to individuals. Besides Cirelda wrote a nice blog that doesn't deserve to be thrown into religious discussions.

Rather I want to point out my disagreements in general (noted in the bullet point):
Your life is set by the age of 6......
I disagree. Somewhat. As she points out herself, once you the an age where you're supposed to be a responsible adult person. You have the responsibility to seek assistance to handle the scars of your soul. Aligning your moral compass, choose your path in life, define your tastes.
And that is really a very important thing. Unless you unquestionably believe in fate in a way they you disregard any and all responsibility. Your first responsibility in this life of yours should be to make the choices you ultimately agree the most with. These don't always show as clearly as you expect. For instance it's a choose to pay the rent. Paying the rent will have the effect that you most likely have a roof over your head until next time the rent is due, likewise you could choose differently and NOT pay the rent which will ultimately have the effect you don't have the roof over you head. Of course there's other effects like if you didn't pay the rent, you most likely have that money to spend for something else, say food?
You always have a choice, whether you like it or not. Either accept this or accept that it is "fate".
And as you have a choice you have the power to do differently. Predictable or not, you ultimately had responsibility and made a choice.

Parents are especially responsible for their children's mindset.
Actually i agree here.
Children will always look to their parents for guidance, and it is our most holy task to provide them the best guidance we can. Again loads of factors are applied here. One of the heaviest factor is most often the parents own upbringing and their reactions to this.
For instance if someone is taught that you should play dead if attacked by a bear. Unless experience, education or some other outside effect have an impact on that persons perspective of bears, this is off course what that person will teach their own children. ( I have no clue what so ever to do if you encounter an angry bear, but I  don't think I'll try reasoning with it....)

Setting the correct path makes most thing peachy.
I've already touched on this. What you as a person yourself might have value in considering is who are the judges of "correct". And do you even like peaches?
Once you start getting a hold of that, start considering the merits of these judges....
Another thing a lot of people most often fail to realize is that there is no person that is enherrently evil/bad. No matter how malicious actions are concieved and performed, there is always at some level a desire for betterment someone. Trouble is when people don't quite agree what is good and bad, like commiting genocide. Good or bad? well depends on perspective really, still trust me those doing it REALLY believe they are doing a good thing, the greater good maybe even. Remember the German soldiers in WW2. Their belts was inscribed with something along the lines of Gods army. And I don't have the merits to be a judge of that.

Forgiveness is a very strong tool.
As the title say forgive and forget. I have children starting school and the default thing most children need to learn is to say I'm sorry........
It's one of my parental challenges to have they learn the diffrence between saying "I'm sorry" and to "be sorry". Most would tell me how wrong I am in this. But i actually take offence to indoctrination. And i believe strongly in truth. Always tell the truth, and only say things that you mean.
So when my children are schooled to blindly say: Forgive me, I'm sorry. Without understanding what they are doing I'm offended.
Sure, on the other end there's another child that is sad because they have just been hurt. This victim migth be apeaced somewhat by being told the harm was unintentionally.
Untill the children realize it was intented.... That they have been lied to.... That they are expected to lie them self quite often even..... (they have to repeat the process of telling: I'm sorry. Plenty times before it becomes a natural response)...
Same thing with forgiveness... I often notice people by default expect forgiveness if they merely ask it.
When i'm encoutering people asking me to forgive them, I usually get rather aggressive, and start digging them why I should forgive them. And that tends to scare people off.
I don't mind forgiving, and I doing quite often and fast. The people I forgive have no value knowing wether they are forgiven or not. I forgive and forget to apeace MY mind and life. Not theirs.
On the other hand some things I don't just forgive, less forget. Often I take a very long time forgiving my self :) And with that knowledge in hand an to round of everything:

When forgiving, and who are you forgiving, and why? Once understood it's lot easier to also forget which is needed inorder to truely forgive, rather then just saying the words without meaning.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vacation time...

Welcome back there.

Rarely do I ever leave further then I can connect and keep updated at least on a daily basis. And with the current information flow a good deal of time is spend this way.
For instance, scanning Facebook news feed chronologically to see if anything important happened there in the past 24 hours usually takes 20 minutes or so, assuming there's nothing that really needs my grander attention.

Google+ is usually the same, yet with the few contact I have there I have to turn the stream down as much of the information in periods tend to be fairly time consuming.

Blogs, not a big deal on average 2 Blogs are published pr. day from my entire collection. Again in periods everyone publish at the same time, giving hunchbacks. Still not the bigger issue when i spend the some 30-45 minutes devoting attention to actually reading it and interact where appropriate.

My lofty goal of at least a blog publish every second day, seems to have dwindled. One reason is the lack of interaction, lack of followers essentially. With only 2-3 people reading or seeing a post on average, i don't feel that huge a commitment to stay committed, and my time is spend elsewhere doing other things rather then writing up new posts here. Of course that brings the Maxx Loproc project blog to a crawl, but nothing much goes on there anyway.

Now I've been on the family choice of vacation:
Summer cabin with  nice fireplace (average temps 10-15C daytime, 5-10C nighttime), No TV, No computers, No Telephone. If it doesn't run on "brainpower" it's banned...
Brainpower is a house term we use for activities that aren't run on electrical power, and is often used as a child punishment. There's little point in giving the kids house arrests, when they never leave the house, Not try a "brainpower day" where all entertainment is powered by your own imagination.... See first off it teaches them imagination.
Sorry, got sidetracked there.

Anyhow, spending the last week on vacation meaning no connectivity to anything that wasn't run on a piece of paper is a pleasant calm time. And I enjoy it as much as the kids enjoy my full and utter attention.

It's when I get back to the Internet it gets funny, since people suddenly find me available again. For the past 48 hours I've been clammed down at work. Not able to go in to much details here, but basically basic issues have showed them self, and been waiting for my return rather then just going through the workpipe. Basically the week I've been on vacation I've just not been doing the work and therefore it's waiting for me to do now, and currently I'm not shall we say having much spare time during the short work hours. I hope most people familiar with me would know that this results in me just running a bit faster, as I haven't broken yet I seem able to run faster.
Sometimes I get amused of considering what will happen when I finally crack, whether that be tomorrow or next century, it'll happen sooner or later, and I doubt the world will be fixed before then sooo...

Same goes with all these Internet things:
This blog, Facebook, G+, other peoples blogs....

Now you might wonder: Why doesn't i just cut the crap then. How important is Facebook really...
In truth not much which can be seen on the time consumption I have with it. 30-45 minutes to run it through and interact with the most important from these past 11 days offline.
It's roughly the time I'll spend authoring this post.
What i get out of it? Well currently I'm merely updated as to who's doing something different then usual. The most recent E scams running, the heads up news on peoples heads. (haven't followed the news, so can't say which important issues are currently active).
Sure I could cut it, but it's unlikely i will as the trade off is okay and I need to remain FB active a while longer.
Well going through G+ took me less then 10 minutes. Why?
I don't need to pick up why the Apple Mini sucks or sucks not. I don't need to digest the images that are in the stream. So basically I can skip everything, as long as I don't get involved in anything. Easy...

 Reading Blogs.... This I started already back Sunday, and I've spend an hour or 3 doing so already, but I still have the 5-10 hour backlog now. Why do it?
Because i care.

Now you might know why I'm reluctant to hold vacations. But what's your take on taking vacations?
Bring some feedback. Let's bring some life here.

Monday, September 24, 2012

The TODO list management (Part 2)

So been using Google Calendar for a while now, trying to flesh out the monster is my Chaos management.
One of the tools to do so was the "TO DO list" which I've been focusing on these 2 weeks.

Actually i should be evaluating my past weeks TO DO list right now, in order to optimize it.
Not really happening as you can see.

The tool has it's perks using the "You'll only manage to work 60% of the scheduled time, as the last 40% will be used up by interruptions" scheme.
This is quite true. And using this scheme for planning in the future will aide me in not overbooking myself too much. Trouble with actually doing my TO DO list here is that I don't work in such a nice and stable environment. Or maybe I do I just don't realize it.
The first week I was sticking close to the List and it worked okay, but the next week here I've just exited. I simply stopped looking at my tasks. The reason for this is that the tasks I'm mostly aware of needing to do are the boring tedious tasks like cleaning the mailbox. Things that doesn't hurt that much if not done this time around.
Well this, it doesn't hurt if I skip it this time around, tends to escalate? same thing with the doing the dishes, there's no problem in skipping once in awhile. As Long as you're getting it done completely at a later time.
Currently my mailbox has grown to a size where I frankly don't know what's in it. And as you all know, simply deleting it all often has a tendency to bite you in the arse later on.

The fun part in this project is that it works perfectly for my non work life. Sometimes you can wonder why my private life is so ordered compared to my cooperate life. Nevertheless.
In fact one of  major issues tends to be hitting the sack at night. My body needs a certain amount of sleep. There is no way around it, trust me I've tried. But I always keep pushing it as I'm burning away the nightoile.
Having a simple reminder that's it's time to prepare for a shutdown, helps me meet that deadline. I don't think I've made it on time yet, but with my sleeping patterns half an hour makes quite a difference in the grand scheme.

So my conclusion on this project, as I'll be finishing it before the end is:
It's works wonders in an orderly setup, but it doesn't provide order itself.

I can use it when I build up projects and have fixed regular tasks, But that is also exactly what the wording imply I see.
It's a TO DO list. A horizontal list.... Hmmmm.

And yes, as Jeanette mentions in the first part: Remember to book your free and off hours. the 60% work vs 40% distraction isn't really that far off most places, you just tend to forget it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The TODO list management (Part 1)

So After a while of thinking things through I finally committed to get a little more structure to my life.
One of the methods I've over the years have been suggested is the creation of TODO lists.

You know those lists where you'll put down all the things you need to do, and strike them off one by one?

Trouble with me is my ability to find things that never ends. So an item on my TODO list usually becomes yet another thing I have to deal with from now onward, until it becomes routine, and then i don't need it as an item on the list, same as I don't need to put toilet breaks on it. I've after all come to an age where I knows these things by heart.

Recently my wife suggested me to do a different strategy on the use of them.
Combine it with planning. Hmmm, Todo + planning it migth work. Well first it was suggested I went into one of these great teenage fits, simply by the fact that one of the presenters main objectives were: Priorities, fixing priorities. And that doesn't go well with me. I'm already spending 140% of the day just to keep up with the few things I've downrigth cut it back to. Making more cutbacks aren't really something anyone wants to see.

Anyway TODO + Planning.
So far I've spend a good while getting the first weeks TODO in order, and I'm keeping some notes for revision later (part 2).

In general the grand idea looks good on paper, but blogger isn't on the TODO list (Fixing mail inbox was).
I assume this will take a while to get into, being focus on the boring task, stop procrastinating etc etc. But let's see.

By the way if you have any great ideas, don't hesitate to share them, I need a laugh ;)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Taking ones time.

As those that have been digging out my blog here will know most of my google experience stems from the usage of a Samsung Tabs 2 10.1" Wow a long name... My Slate. I use it for everything that is connected with Android and a lot of things that are based around Google. Like Google Drive (Generic spreadsheets for game logs). Latitude to find specific location of people that needs a ride from somewhere. G+, well if that needs an explanation get with the program. Google Navigation or Maps for GPS navigation (I usually have no idea of where anything is). And Turf for a but of fun. It's a GPS capture the flag game via android. "Turf", look it up, it's fun.

Something I had an initial idea would be great to use the Slate for was this:
Blogging, but it's not. In general it's just a huge mobile phone and the keyboard vs Blogger aren't quite working to a level that it's usable, unless you do the default 5 lines -> Publish -> Twitter -> expose, expose expose. And if you'd been reading just one of my post you'd know I'm not going there, even though I don't do much editorial on them.

And as usual 'm taking my time to underline the premise of my points.
I've finally found out what the Blogloving thing that keeps popping up every is.
It's basically a Blog Twitter.
I see the point in using it, considering SOE and stuff like that. But I don't Blog with SOE in mind.
I blog to put my mind on paper. It's nice that my thinking is shared, but frankly my mind isn't for everyone, and some might even get hurt. So keeping it relatively low key here.

Of course I have a desire to discuss what I put to file, yet I also understand very few people even comprehend my logic, even fewer catch my everlasting underlines. So I've grown natural to the concept that this is one way communication, if even that much.

Now stuff like Blogloving and Twitter, as said I understand the basic working of it. What I don't understand is why people bother. Using tools like this leaves you in a state where you'll always be the last to know. Unless you're the creator. It leaves no time for reflexion, you just press on.
And as much as I endorse such attitude of persistence, I always fail to see the end goal. The larger picture, where is it, that people are going?

I'm still amazed of the pace I see people having these days, until I realize the pace is reached by disregarding the past.
But that's my conclusions, what are yours?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Liebster blog awards

So apparently I've been nominated for something  called  a Liebster blog award.
At first glance it's sort of a chain letter thing and as I always do with these things, I break the chain.
It's kind of a principle of mine not keep such things going. often they are pretty harmless and sweet, but some are rather nasty, when you look at them. Basically encouraging to do some form of harm to other, most often but passing on the chain.

So let's have a look at this:
  1. Everyone nominated must write 11 fact about one self.
  2. Answer the 11 questions posed by the nominator.
  3. Choose 11 new victims to pass on the chain and relink their blogs. (I won't do that, first off most of the blogs I read have a higher SOE then to bother, and if anyone wanted to do this they could and would simply pick it up)
  4. They need to have less then 200 readers.... Well, do I really need to dig those numbers out.
  5. Go to their page and tell them.
  6. Nominees can't back out. Hmm, sure they can. if they want to, they shouldn't be nominated in the first place. Think before acting, and do think again. It never hurts :)

So those are the rules, and feel free to go nominate people, the basic idea is good for any blog that hasn't already invalidated the award.

So Jea's Blanke Tanker nominated me and I will pick it up. She writes in danish, so I'll translate of course.

  1. What matters most to you in life?
  2. What's the most awesome experience you've had with you blog?
  3. How much of my blog have you been reading, and what is your favorite post?
  4. What is the most embarrassing you want to share with your readers?
  5. What is the last thing you ate?
  6. What animal would you compare yourself against?
  7. When was the last time you where treated to a really good time?
  8. When was the last time you were really scared?
  9. What was the last movie you watched?
  10. Who in your family do you admire the most?
  11. When was the last time you did a good deed?
I'll get back you answering when I've completed the other tasks...
Ohh that's easy write down 11 facts...

Let's see:

  1. I rarely only do one thing at anytime.
  2. I used to be a Lifeguard.
  3. I consume 3-4 liters of coffee everyday, by default.
  4. I've got children, 3 of them?
  5. I rarely sleep more ten 4 hours a day.
  6. I'm always 5-10 minutes late.
  7. I finally just picked up nineteen eighty four by George Orwell.
  8. I have my honor badge as, most Alternative Troubleshooter of my class, hanging at my office.
  9. I'm a certified sports couch.
  10. I'm an excellent marksman using rifles.
  11. I had schematic to recreate a arm-keyboard qwerty style, the size and essentially rip-off from The movie predator, 1 year before the Nokia Communicator reached the market. Cardboard prototypes with interfaces etc.

Well that's 11 uncommon facts I don't mind sharing with the WWW.
So for the questions:

1. What matters most to you in life?

This is a rather hard question to ask a person with my mindset, the quick and simple answer is nothing. The political correct answer is my family, children, wife etc expand as you wish. Truth is that what matter the most to me is my mind. I'm curious by nature and without a mind cable to actually cope with the loads of information I tend to gather from my unsuspecting surrounding, I'd be boredom which is essentially what I'd consider a slow death.

2. What's the most awesome experience you've had with you blog?

That's an easy one. I've had no experiences with my blog I deem worthy to even remotely remember.
Maybe with more activity and so on, but until people ready to read it finds it, it's merely an outward channel, with no reactions.

3. How much of my blog have you been reading, and what is your favorite post?

I've actually been reading all of Jea's Blanke Tanker. I rarely go more then a few hours after a new post before I read it. Often I forget or don't want to comment. Maybe i should make more of an effort to do so. Considering what my favorite post would be.... hvordan så hun det.. That one I believe.

4. What is the most embarrassing you want to share with your readers?

Now that's a funny question. As what's embarrassing tome, migth not be so for you, and vice versa.
I don't share stuff that I find personally embarrassing, at least to a higher degree then if we actually saw eye to eye  over a barrel of coffee.

5. What is the last thing you ate?

White bread with butter and ham.

6. What animal would you compare yourself against?

If you need to ask, you don't really know me.

Does Tigger count???? To be more serious in the matter: Lynx

7. When was the last time you where treated to a really good time?

First off, I truly can't remember. Secondly, again: What you consider a royal time, I most likely will find dull and some task I need to be done with in order to have a great time.

8. When was the last time you were really scared?

I've been thinking about this fore a while now. Last summer I was scared and choked by a spider attacking, and I remember this because it once more showed me how I'd react in panicked situations. I was truly scared for 3 seconds, but that's all it takes rigth.
The more abstract form of being scared... Not really it's not in my blood, you'd have to tap into my primeval fears to trigger a response, which then would be instinctive and reactive.

9. What was the last movie you watched?

I need a while to remember: Dark Knigth Rises (Batman), can't remember if that was 4 or 11 days ago.

10. Who in your family do you admire the most?

That's an easy one. My grandfather, after that I'd say my father. They are and were a strange bunch, but they have/had character that demanded respect.

11. When was the last time you did a good deed?

What's a good deed really? If I give an alcholic a bottle of Liquor, he'd praise me for it, and call it a good deed, would you?
If I carry someone through life is that a good or sad deed?
If I kick someone that spite me and thus succeed, would me kicking them be a good deed?
I don't count or monitor when I do good or bad deeds. I merely act and hope you benefit the most from my actions, whether or not my actions involves any type of sacrifice on my part, And I'd certainly not bother you with my choices. I'm responsible for my own actions and not how you perceive them. You should remember and contemplate this as a universal truth, and then you can start asking yourself if that itself was a good deed.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Reflexions on the attitude of current people

It's been a while since last as I've had less time actively online. I'll see if I can remedy that.

Yesterday I got the inspiration for this, and I'll try something new.
I already have a point to make : I'm seeing greedy, give me more styles people everywhere with little or no will to earn their keep.
I find it to be a global problem of the current generations.
I think I'm different.
And I have of cause the rigth thinking anybody just need to eliminate this issue. :)

This is my pretext and soon I'll start hitting the keys and throw one random though after the other to explain, clarify, justify etc. why exactly the way I think is the only rigth way.
With a hint of irony people actually knowing me, would also know that I'm merely complaining, pointing and hope someone would benefit from what I consider clear vision, yet no necessary something that should be adopted.

Hmmm maybe my constant ambivalent attitude for all esthetic concepts, sorry I'm a Libra.

On with the show shall we:

For the past 10 years roughly I've been a very integrated part of a local community thing, basically it started as a net cafe back when people went to places like that to play video games, simply course having a gaming rig at home was not for everyone. It was just before that shifted and the price for PC went down far enough for people to start acquire them, getting Internet connections at home and so forth. With that trend on the move the business model in it wasn't good, and putting personal wages on the expense list simply wasn't an option. The cafe was in danger of closing for this reason. But instead the owner decided to offer the whole setup as a volunteer project. We had the equipment, the software and the clients were steady and helpful engaging people.
Soon it's opening hours were in the afternoon / evening with volunteers overseeing the administrative part of unlocking the machines for usage and stuff. Thing we were some 10 people putting in oversight hours and the former owner being chairman of it putting in some 50 hours a week. Off this of pure passion. I was there from the start being the accountant, meaning i have the past 10 years of financial records. We had some 500 member using it. After a few years the bookkeeper stopped and I was appointed that task on my own admission. Loads of stuff I was always trying to make the Bookkeeper understand, like for instance the benefit of having the financial records on Excel sheets rather then in analogue ledger books and using paper notes for all and every transaction. Being the bookkeeper I made it so. This spring I passed the torch. Been meaning to do so for a long time, the job was easy after I've made most things rather automatic, and we got sponsored by the local munity with housings and utilities.
Over the years the engagement have slowly deteriorated to the point that currently I know of only 10-20 confirmed members, 7 being needed for the management that enables the setup to work in the first place.
Being a gaming centric thing we draw in young people, many of those have grown up, hell even I've grown older with multiple kids of my own. Which is why I'm slowly exiting the setup and passing on the torch.
The chairman kept putting in the hours, even increasing them, with passion and vigilance (he's in the 60's now), and the price has finally caugth up with him and he's not even part of the setup today.

All the time the Idea was to have the young people enter the management part of the setup to ensure it's legacy, and there's more to it then just playing some video games. It's always been a place open to anyone, embraceing anyone.... See why we got local sponsorship?
But the youth never really entered management, that part was taken care of by current management so why bother. This spring we were down to the Chairman, I and 1-2 others still actively keeping things aloft, The chairman had to drop his role as the workload and engagement was ruining him and had been for quite a while. I wanted to stop s I was never there anymore, focusing on raising my own kids rather then raising other (I'm one of those people that needs 18-20 hours a day to complete the daily list of things I want done, and it's not enough). So currently the management is comprised of the youth using the setup, or what's left of it. They are actually even only doing it under threats that is they don't it's close down.
So considering they are young and new to it all, nothing has happen to the setup, and it keeps declining, and it's currently dangerously close to lose sponsorship due to lack of engagement.
Since the start of this setup I've been part of it on the sideline, offering help and advise, but not being willing to do things, simply under the idea that "I won't stay around and you need to learn..."
I spend my Wednesday simply being available for them, most often I just sit at watch YouTube, as there are no one to help or anyone that wants help. Also the setup needs regular announced opening hours or lose sponsorship. The fact I'm present solves this issue for now.

Okay that was a very long background explanation to something else: No one want to pull their load!
This attitude I seem to encounter with many of the younger generation?
Someone will provide for me.          Erhhh no!
If you want something done, let someone else do it?     Erhh, no!

What happened to: I want to carve out my own place in life, and I will eat dust if that's what it takes.

I grew up in a time when things started to move from Though luck. -> That's too bad, we need to help this poor fellow.

It's been a very long time since I've talked to anyone declining alms, under the idea that they wanted to make their own.

I'm told my ideology surrounding this is stupid. Why decline help if you could benefit. When i start explaining I want to prove that I can do, and I can pull my own load. I get this baffled look. People shake their heads and call me stupid.
Sure it's stupid, it's a principle. Show me one principle that isn't stupid once pressed to the edge. But isn't that the very nature of a principle.

See this is where I starting thinking out loud:
So if principles by nature are stupid act, that are justified by higher means for serving a higher purpose. What higher purposes are people in general driving at? Where are they heading?
Guess I have moral discuessing too rarely :)
This is actually something I'd really like to know, so please, put in a few comments about your principles and especially your "higher purpose". I promise I won't judge, much.
But I from current memory can't put a finger on anyone having a set course towards a higher purpose, starting this thing most youngers don't have any. Well besides greed.
Yes sorry, that's one of my troubles with the times, greedy people. No one ever have enough, they always want more, simply to get more. Very few people will adhere to being content with current state of living.
I won't get into that today.

My starting point was: I'm seeing greedy, give me more styles people everywhere with little or no will to earn their keep.

I didn't make that point very well now did I?
I'll do that in short then: Ask around who'd decline alms/charity/sponsor with no attachment other then the label that they are getting it. Add to it, do they need it (of cause), and why? Do you agree?

Asking around, I'm sure you'll come to the same conclusion:

I find it to be a global problem of the current generations.

I think I'm different.
Of course I am, who isn't. Best question would be, are you different?

And I have of cause the rigth thinking anybody needs to eliminate this issue. :)
Of cause I do, question is what other issues thinking as I do would raise. The principle of Do or Die actually means someone will die... I won't tell anyone if that's a good or bad thing, but it's fact.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Consolidate damn it.

So it's summer time and I've been somewhat busy doing nothing.

The result of that is that I drop out loads of information streams and I have plenty trouble just keeping up.
It brings into focus one of the reasons I've grown tired and bored of Facebook and basically is just waiting to delete it.

To me the discovery and G+ was a one of the Hey, I've been looking for exactly this thing. Then I threw myself into it with the usual blind vigor that this type of media intuitively set upon you.

Setting out I had few to no one to follow, and the interest of their postings were marginally of interest. but you got to load the stream, don't you?

As mentioned before I'm using an Samsung tablet for mobility namely navigation, and I love the concept of Google Latitude. Setting that up a Google account was needed and with that you're suddenly got Calendar, Gmail, G+, Blogger, YouTube, ?Drive?, play, Picasa and personalized searches.

Setting out here provides me with something I haven't had for quite a while: A clean slate. Trouble with that is that it's clean. Having a relative need to be seen that state doesn't last for long. So quickly I start filling up with general public stuff i like to watch but have little to need on interacting with, the "Entertain me" path. That is already in a place where I actually should start uncircling some, or at least start to sort it better. Caturnday is funny, but when you see nothing but cute cats, they grow tiresome rather then funny.

Actually this would be a cry for help I guess, having issues and trouble defining precisely what I like and where i want to go. Sure I have interests, most notoriously would be my passion for anthropology (Study of human, and social interactions and it's effect on it's environment).
Of note I personally involve in Eve-online which would be somewhat the top experiment on that. (It being a video game and entertainment in itself helps a lot)

Putting my interest this precise should or would help in finding points of interactive interest, rigth?
No, in fact it just makes everything harder.
Knowing precisely what I like to spend time doing, puts in contrast precisely what I don't want to spend time doing.

An example to illustrate clearly:
The minefield of Religion....
I like discussing religion, and minor details of it, what ever religion that may be.
I'm not a religious person, and I never will be. I will accept I'm wrong from time to time.
I will never accept salvation in acknowledgement that I'm wrong, or blindly accept being wrong (or right).

Religious debaters tends to be going in the extremes and that's where I stop following. When people them self stop processing the information they are given. It's one of the things i don't like in humans.

And now see what happened. I opened my mind and all direction is lost. And that is my main problem with virtually everything. I need stuff consolidated. Boxed and labeled would be nice too. It wouldn't work, but the labels would help.

With Google latitude, G+, Blogger being 3 different spheres of interaction I need to clean it up. Set up the circle structure. Figure out how publish to folks without circling them, or maybe I need to circle them to label them correctly...
"Moar work"
Cited from Peon 7, Warcraft 3

Well it's summertime, now probably isn't the rigth time to figure this out.
Anyway, if you have advise on the usage of Circles, don't hesitate to share it, yet as with any religion I might not agree with you insights, but I'll give it considerable thoughts.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Something off the hat

It's been a while, so I'll just draw something off the mind, see where I end up..

Well, actually it's been a quite interesting couple of weeks with stuff going on everywhere.
As I pick stuff up I take note of my usual bane "NemId" and my settling with the freebie project.

So a quick update on the freebie project is that things doesn't quite change. I ended up running a series of Amarr missions with Theology Counsil finishing off with the usual Faction mission and to my bitter realization I notice that the counter being Brutor Tribe is located some 30 jumps away. so that's some 25 jumps from HQ. I've dragged my sorry arse there and prepare to start em up tonight. but that Amarr / Minmatar relation really is the drag to deal with. Giving it a month or 2, plus I don't think I'll take much heart in the offset with that distance. I'll hang around there for a while.
The Covetor training has essentially completed so back to drake training. I'm told that the Golem should be my goal and I'm already aligning for it with the torp + shield rather then drone + armor.
I'¨ll figure it out. Still L1 agents with my poor standings, and I won't be able to handle much more then L2, maybe easy L3 so this is the long haul and it won't bring the isk. Lucky my mining buddies are atoned to the challenge and keep the Plex income stable.

My bane "NemId"....
It's getting more and more interesting as the days go by.
I have little to no doubt in the end result, what intrest me more is when people realise what's going on and the effects it has on them for the future.
Sorry to do this to anyone, but I'll outline the setup to help anyone join the prober page. Think I better do that in sections:

I found recently that the proposed fix to keep control of the PSK with the setup has been not just delayed but will infact eventually be completely dropped + it will not co-exist with current banking system.
This is my main concern, and have always been so and the thing that holds me off, and let me explain to those that have no idea what PSK is.. PSK stands for Private Shared Key or Pre Shared Key. the importent aspects being the words "Shared Key".
To understand how encryption and privacy works, one must start by understanding the reason for "Keys" and what they are...
And that's not easy... okay any encryption expect would kill me for this still it'll make things more simple to understand...

You have a house of some sort. There's an entrance, with a lock...
 There's restricted access to the house..Let's asume you always lock the door :)
So who should have access and how do you make sure only certain people have access?
The first thing you do is you make keys for the lock.
You know default keys with he teeth?
Right. you then saw off the section with teeth and each person that needs to unlock the door is given a set of key teeth.
One set of teeth per user, and we must assume there is no way to copy them (that would be very technical and I don't even understand it myself, sooo).
The other part of the key you hang on the wall by the door. For everyone to use.

Now access to your house happens by someone bringing a set of keyteeth, use the Keyholder and unlock the door to enter.
That's weird and strange way to explain PSK, but it makes a point to those that doesn't know what it is.

Now the "NemId" model is called a PSK and used as a PSK too, but there's a little difference to the design:
When you want to enter your house you go the door, press the doorbell, and at a side window a guy will show up asking you for a name and password. If he is satisfied with your answer you are handed the key to the door, you unlock it, and give him back the key.

All in all it's okay, you get to enter your house. You can get help if need be, there's a guy at the window to ask if you fail to insert your key into the lock on the door. And access is restricted.

There's a few problems with it also:
How can you be sure that the guy doesn't enter your house and mess up things while you're out?
How can you be sure that the guy only hands out your key to you, and not your kids?

No big issue for most people until you suddenly become responsible for what's going on in your house.

I best cut this short, I'm starting to expand too much. I can always bring up other issues some other day.

I'll toy about more with the above analogy, and please provide some feedback to the problems I love to see the issue from more directions...

Anyway, so the guy that has your key, could potentially go to your house and set up a Pirate bay server somewhere you don't see it.
Sure he's not aloud to do so, and he will be fired if someone finds out he's done it. But he can still do it.
With current setup the legal approach on it ignores the fact that the key isn't personal and private, so in legal terms "anyone" using the key is YOU!
Therefore YOU! must have been the one setting up the Pirate Bay server.
Disclaimer: (I don't know the illegal file sharing stuff anymore, so let's assume a Piratebay server is illegal and punishable by fine and imprisonment)

The use of the key is proof itself that it is being used by you, as no-one can legally do so. This idea becomes very interesting when it's common knowledge. As I've told loads of people in on forums and in private. I'm walking around waiting to see this thing backfire on itself. thus far no one has been caught in the system and gone to court with it, and they are the only ones able to make a difference. on that mental state. It's like the funny notation that social security numbers are secret and thus only you have access to your social security number. You don't have to think long to point at someone else being able to have a copy of it. and when someone other then you have access to something is it then still your secret thing? Do you have any control of who knows it really? Is it private? Or how private is it really?

I'm rambling on while I shouldn't.... Please bring a comment on your privacy concerns or lack off.
You don't need to be concerned to have an opinion.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I need this!!!!

I've just been encouraged to throw a though on one of the few things I really take to heart.
The decay of humanity. Uhhh sounds gloom. Yes, I'll be nagging a bit. Deal with it, contemplate over it. Or confirm my disgust in the human race.

I'd still call my self relatively new to the G+ thing, combined with blogger, and all the other great interacting tools, so I'm still learning the ropes.
One thing I take from the great vast Internet, or world in general is eavesdropping. I've always been the guy in the corner listing in on other peoples huge life issues. Over the years the nature of the problems have changed, and then again they haven't. But my ability to shut up has improved. Life is often less complicated when you shut up.

Blogging is to me actually a 2 way process. I post therefore I am. I follow and read other, because I take interest and care. My blogs are windows to my soul, purple some would say, others call it insane or just plain weird. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm essentially not "normal" and I don't really want to be "normal". It's too dull :)

okay, this a long self explanatory introduction to the thing I'm actually writing about: The shallowness of our age.

I'm a nerd, and I'm proud of it. (there's a difference between nerds and geeks).
A lot of my interests are geekish in nature, but well most often the geek culture stuff have more content to provide. More in depth materials. And that's from what I understand the nature of Nerds, they dig out and relish every miniature detail to something utterly irrelevant.

I've been following a few blogs of teenager, and been looking for interesting blogs to read. Mostly I see 500 Teenager blogs doing an "instagram/twitter" show, some for years, but most for less. If I'm lucky I find one with talent, worth my time.
The trend is easy to spot, and once you start spotting it. Things starts to look rather grim.

I first noticed it with movies...
Remember I'm old age Nerd terms, just keep that in mind.
Age old mainstream discussion, which is better and why:
New hope VS. Return of the Jedi

Personally I don't have a favorite, but I'm always open to discuss the qualities of each.
Later this happened:
Star wars Wiki page (notice diagram in bottom)
With Phantom menace releasing everybody suddenly was a Star Wars expert. Yet today few consider episode 1-3 real Star Wars.
Again I won't take sides here, but I understand where they are coming from. Star Wars was an epic movie in it's own, and the history and epicness of it yielded loads of background materials. Even before the Menace there was role playing games, short stories and books. Don't start me on all the merchandise, course that's part of the problem.
With Menace everything was redesigned, and republished. Those with love for the culture embraced it at first. Until they started realising, there actually wasn't coming new content, just reiterations of old content, and people gulped it up.
Did you know "The force" is religion in Australia. Some people actually have taken the culture to a point where they base a religion on the mindset of a fiction writer.

Of course he's rather rich now...

Now, what does this have to do with teenagers today?
I can't have my eyes open 1 hour without spotting some form of "message" that I need this exact product. I rarely remember the product. But from time to time I acquire the product, use it and judge it. I rarely find something that works as advertised, and thusly I mostly acquire stuff that isn't advertised.
I don't press the like button unless I mean it. etc etc.
And yes i have a facebook account I haven't quite seen for a long time. Frankly since Timeline was introduced, yet timeline was not what drowe me away, it just made the final drop.

I find my blogs via Facebook, or tried to. There was quite a few groups of promising bloggers. But the way they get readers are the default modern day marketing trick tactics: You spam.
Most of my active life consists of spam. It's very visual, and people react to it. But it's still spam.
People knowing my eating habits, would know that I wouldn't mind eating spam (locally known as Jakabov), I'll even prepare and cook it, but if hungry enough. I'll just eat it.
People often find it disgusting. But really, is it much different from what they do with their minds?

With the current generation I notice an overflow where the state of mind is that you are what other people tell you that you are. This holds true most of the time, when people are honest.

Trouble gets worse when your environment gets spammed with material content.
Getting back to movies, I've seen few movies worth watching the past decade, I know I can count all of them with 2 hands. But I've seen loads of worthless flashy junk.
It's blink, it's what the masses want. Did you watch Men In Black, great movie ;) Remember the scene, where Will need to choose to join up or walk away, red pill/blue pill? Watch the movie again and take a minute and think about it.

okay, as usual I seem to have wondered off in some 10 million directions without getting any closer to putting my initial thoughts into writings, and with my loathing of backspace/delete, we now have quite  a text, no one will read to the end.

Bottom line is as always, it's not the clothing you wear, it's how you wear it. And not everyone are ready to meet you, it takes time. Assuming YOU are still yourself by then. Just be yourself and own your choices. They are always yours to make.

I should twitter more :)
If you actually read this to the end, leave a comment. Could be fun to see if anyone actually gets to the end, and more so, who......
Ohh don't worry, I'll iterate some other day when i have more focused mindset.
Ha ha, and looking at the title I see the anchor is missing, here you go, and understand I best be getting this sorted:

Saturday, June 16, 2012

It's finally here

Yes, yesterday. The slate finally arrived. The financing didn't go as I planned. But people have had a good time telling me how stupid I am for insisting on helping myself when other stand ready to provide assistance. But that's just one of my strange sticking to principles even when it hurts ideas.

Anyway. It's mine now. The model P5100 white, plus the samsung earplugs with a microphone, the keyboard for easy work applications. The leather sleeve cover, also samsung recommended. And the table charger for home/nigth charging, it's still in the mail, but I'll get by with the default charger for now.

So do I like it?
For the moment it's just as I expect. Was positivly impressed it was shipped charged, meaning I didn't have to wait a day or so while it charged.
Another great thing is the auto sync with the old device, meaning I didn't have to seek my much liked applications.
Of course this means I need to remain strick in it's usage, as a complete systemwipe seems hard or even impossible. I suppose it's the price you pay for being clouded.

The first few issues are showing up. Using G+ and learning how that works, I found a problem seeking more content. This might as well be a Google issue as it be a samsung problem, which leads me to getting anoud that android insists this is a mobile phone, ignoring the fact it's a tablet, and thusly not exactly suited for phone usage. Sure it can do it, but it's not the prime function of the device. Also many application insists it's a mobile and thus use cramped mini UI. Sure I see the point when using 3 and 4" screens. But I use this more as a netbook then a mobile and the screen is huge with this in mind.

I'm sure I'll found solutions. But for now it's problem.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I often at some point seem to write this down.

While currently writting I start wondering why I keep doing it. Maybe it's my way of telling the world better who and what I am, without even knowing it myself. At any rate thinking about it doesn't change it.

This is kind of a prelude to my coming "I want to be a Spacemarine when I grow up" entry I'll get around to sometime.

I'm a libra. According to astrology I'm a passionate person, and I must say it hold true. I have passion, and I have it in drowes to the point I excrete it.

I've been picking up a few blogs on blogger now that seems to be interesting pass times to dive into, and I see a common trade I seem unable to note in them and it's the Force of passion I so love.

Coming with a background philosofy of Bushido, I keep missing the followthru. I tend to me mostly attracted to force and the show of force, it being subtle or sensible. It's hard to explain in words as it's more a sense of feeling then it's an expresion.
For instance picking up one of my beloved tunes: Evanescene - Bring me to Life

I love the tune from it expresion of force, the tune itself by itself is actually rather simplistic and boring.
As we're talking in tunes, same thing happens with many more hardcore bands, an example could be Rammstein: Rammstein - Ich will

Listening to stuff like this completely immersed in the sensation of rhythmic sensation, following an emotion of determination. Completely ground you'll feel an urge to stand fast or react with forcefull intend. And here I find my understanding of Bushido.

For those unaware of what Bushido covers, I'm no expert but speaking from my own views, it's an ancient strategy code. Compare it to Tsu Sun teaching. Bushido was written in medieval Japan, by a samurai that shall we see had seen the light. He was succesfull and lived long enough to put his perspectives into writing.
The main principle is any action or reaction should be done in one single fluid motion. Stopping to think about it halfway through hampers you.

Reading this while writing and with my IT background and experience with projects of that sort, it makes no sense at all. As if you blindly implement a design without refactoring the design once in a while the end product will most often be bad.
Writing this I then again understand why Bushido works. You shouldn't implement a faulty design to begin with, and any implementation you start should be finished, closed and delivered. Before you start redesigning / refactoring. Complete your actions.

It's like if you fall off a cliff you have options... You can start screaming until you hit the ground... Not very effective, but you'll be noticed by everyone not in the same state.
Alternatively you can start falling and prepare yourself for the impact on the ground, and starting doing whatever you can for this impact to have the best possible outcome available to you.

If that was a cartoon, one would splatter all over the page, the other would make a crater, slowly rising to take on the next challenge. Which cartoon would you like to assosiate with?

And now I wonder how the frag I ended up here, as this wasn't quite the direction or conclusions I were putting into text.

A few tidbits of my brain, just so there's some form of reasoning to the title, and what I failed to put in text:
Passion isn't equal love. you can both hate and love with the same passion.

If you want me to better finish this on the rigth track, throw me your version of passion. Pictures are good:

Monday, June 4, 2012

Always needing a few more buck...

So the paycheck finally arrived. Now new problem arises
1. I want a dataslate.
2. I need to pay subscription costs for Eve.
3. I got a backlash from utillity bills, making it factor 3.

This is in the order of what I want, rather then what I need.
Of course I need to pay the backlash payment on the utility bill, secondly I need to pay subscriptions for my Eve (2 mains) and what's leftover I can play with.

The operation is relatively simple: I have let's say 10.000, using clean numbers with no reference to reality, as I'm uncomfortable putting that online. 10 grand is a nice round number...

So working backwards, the Utility bills are little less then 6k, the Eve subscription is roughly 1k (x2) and a dataslate would be roughly 3500-4000. Summing up= 11,5-12 K and continuing: 11,5-12k > 10k = I don't get a Slate....

Okay, I whine, therefore I am???
Not really, so, what to do...
The Utility is non negotiable, it's 6k,- that's it. Everything else we can shuffle around.
First step: Eve.... 2k for 2x1 years... Well we're in June now, so maybe we can cut that back. Coupled with the Freebie Project, maybe I can cut it even more. But how much. Going to do a long shot and do it at half price = 1k for 2x 6months??
It's a bit of a gamble as fund will not flow until next year again for sure..
Then the slate?
I've tested and tried the Samsung Galaxy 10.1, and the Samsung Galaxy 5(WIFI) and I like them. Last week it took a price jumps + the Tab 2 is on sale, but it's still 3,5k I need to push it down to 3k.
That means waiting...
Things that spring to mind while you sit there:
I want the data slate as it's an android platform that works well with Google Maps, latitude and navigation.
Now I see something called ChomeOS, and I rather want the ChomeOS tablet 10.1. Yet I know nothing about it or whether I can even use it. But I bet it's cheaper. Also I'm sure it's more directly connected then Android.
In the end I'll just have to wait and see where things drop off.

I don't like hanging myself in the Freebie project path, but "working" a few hours each day, should be enough to carry both Maxx Loproc and other toons, but I'm most scared I might need outside help.

What I hate the most is having to stand idle and wait for things to happen. Things I can't really control, but i keep thinking I can.
While at it, hoping to win the lottery doesn't make things worse. Would be a nice addition in the project of removing economical dependencies....

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The wonders of children

If you didn't know I have a couple of kids. 3 in fact. And as with any other emotional touchy feely stuff, they might not have drawn the best straw getting a father. But such is life.

Still I do my best to provide as any parent would do, but my quirks of course raise issues that I don't see that many other places. First off, I've realized along the line somewhere that good parenting wasn't so much about being liked, but rather guiding and leaving a decent product in the end: Grown decent human beings. Thus far I seem to succeed, be that to their mother saving them from my insanity or just the fact children er resilient I have no comments.
At any rate, I'm a nerd. And proud of it. It's that simple. It would seem that my Oldest daughter now almost 9 years, 8,5 something, 9 at the end of august, mkay... Being my firstborn and thusly being the prime subject of my strange views on existence when looking for guidance in the worlds have become a nerd too. Whether that's genetics of heritage you can debate for hours with no results, but the fact is that she's a nerd too.

She shows some funny trades, ohh keep in mind that my Dwarflike single minded stubbornness and skills for debating she have too. This results in facts like no is merely someone that hasn't yet seen the reasons and meaning of things and must thusly be shown the light. Most often used word in our household is "Why?". Authorities, well they are there, but maybe I'm smarter then they are. This trade is common I believe and course of much trouble in danish households these days, so nothing special there. Yet she doesn't have a ground moral compass as to what is basically right and wrong, and is mostly ruled by her logic. As foul language for instance is not something understood, so there's language... she uses the language and word used around her, and there's no filter to this. Again you try explaining why censoring is good without making exceptions...

Anyway, i started this text from an experience I had yesterday sitting on the couch feeding the smallest and focusing on that, while she and her little brother started debating something and I took a listen to the details. He's 5, going on 6, He'll be 6 by September... And he also shows the sign of not merely accepting the first explanation if it doesn't co-exists with his perception of the world. They are called Lucien, and Akita.

Anyway I noticed they were discussing relative sizes, how they got that started beats me, but Akita was starting to explain to Lucien how the sun was way bigger then both the earth and the moon, to the size that he could fit 1.000 earths into the sun. The debate come to think of it had to do with sun burns and summer temperatures. And the details aren't really important. what stoke my attention was the fact she was starting to describe and illustrate the Earth evolves around Sun, with moon revolving the Earth, and every one of them spinning.
You might have been exposed to this somehow, somewhere else with Oranges, strings, sticks, apples and spinning devises. From what I know this setup is presented children in the age 12'ish and that seems consistent with around 10 year olds being able to sense abstractly. But she's 8,5. Now if someone had set up a rig like it for her to watch I wouldn't have cared, she'd just memorized the rig. But she hasn't. I expect she's picked it up from a book I noticed her reading a few weeks ago. Still going from a text to actually understanding and conceptualize abstracts like that takes me a bit on a surprise. Guess I'll have to ramp up geometric shapes and structures soon...

But that's just one thing striking me. Another thing is: taking a step back and watching it from a 3rd. person perspective both of them are rather nerdish. The way to read, memorize and use facts either picked up watching Disney Channel, reading fact books, asking teachers or others. They pick up facts like this and sets them as universal truths. Don't get me wrong, they aren't savants or anything, in fact they are merely ordinary kids, it's just the way they pick up knowledge that's fascinating. They do it literally. And well not all their logic is sound, for instance: Santa doesn't actually live next door to grandma, nor do I actually put the sun at the sky every morning. Innocent beliefs that'll be replaced in time, yet it's the way they understand the world and its logic.

I can't say I'm all innocent in the effect though and frankly I need a bit of help this summer:
In the schools among the kids today there's hobby with Soccer cards, and they collect those from age 6, kinder garden classes and up with obsessive behaviours. This weekend Lucien was exposed to this and naturally the hype got hold of him, and as any drug dealer he was offered a couple of cards.
From his perspective, it's cards with soccer players on them, and he knows nothing or relatively little about soccer. The fact there's clubs like Barcelona FC or what ever else there s is obvious to him. This is something I'm sure given the chance someone will teach him, and the corruption starts now.
So I'm going to throw a counter to that:
The main objective in the collection is to get the kids to buy more card to get the full team, following the real life clubs team setups, with transfers shirt changes and so forth. This is a common market trick and the kids are easy targets once hooked. Now how to unhook....
He doesn't know much about football, which good, so that's not going to drive him. He loves Transformers, star wars and stuff like that.
The main point in the activity is to compare collections to have the most complete collection of cards.
Bringing him a card collection that no one else have would eliminate the competitive element of it all, and getting a relatively complete collection (1 season is a collection. Season 1-10 is a collection of collections) would make it a fix expense and should last a few years.
So been looking for it, but haven't found SW which is mercantile enough to threaten the exclusive component, to Transformers. Of course all the Bacucan, Beyblade, Pokemon etc are options, but still needing to retain the exclusive and completeness illusions to ward of the soccer corruption.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Can I use the slate?

I did plan to write a lot more on this thing then I've managed to. Also way off with the review on it's uses.
It's okay. Nothing more, nothing less. Writing these on it is abit of a pain, can'tfind out if it's google or the slate but proff reading and spellchecking is seriously nothing something you want to do. I miss my arrow keys. Aside fromthat it's good. Got a nice size so my chopy fingers actually hits the rigth keys more then 99% of the time, doesn't always register and that is bad as it means backtracingto the error.
The power levels on it is good, but it takes for ever to charge, took me by surprise the first day. But planning gets you far. Application wise I love it, but I ew I would. Only missing a good spreadsheet.
Price being 75% of an ipad it's a good buy, just know what you want to use it for.
Last thing I need to figure out is transport. As I take it everywhere I need a bag, which is not very manly, but what else can I do? Break it?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tablet vs. Slate

So I've managed to borrow a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (GT-P7500) from our local hardware pusher. Thinking the Samsung Galaxy tab is exactly what I need.
Now there's a few factors that plays a role here:
The wife got her self an Ipad 3.
I've just embrased the Google platform with google maps as the primary drive.
The fact I like the Google philosofy more then the Apple philosofy has a point.

My main problem actually is that since I swapped my nokia for a BB, and I don't regret it. I've been unable to navigate.

My sister in law showed my her HTC phone with Google navigation, and I knew exactly what I needed to do. Get an android platform with GPS.

For that you can go get a mobile, but my BB takes care of all the things you want from a mobile, except navigation. So what to do? Use analogue maps, I think not.
Looking around and I came to terms with the fact I didn't have a Tab/pad. never needed it, and had trouble seeing it's use. Well Navigation then, okay. It'll do that and it does, perfectly (using 3G with a data package).

I borrowed a 5" Wifi thing I used for a while and it worked great also, with 2 problems:
I'm getting old so smaller isn't better.
Wifi isn't connecting while being mobile.

But for Google platform it was great (with my glasses on). So I started looking for it's big brother this 10.1 tab with the intent to buy it. During my screenings I've noticed the Asus Transformer also, and the Keyboard attachment seems like a nice thing, but it's more cash and I can't test it before buying.

The Samsung will do. So:
I've been trying to feed it fully for 16 hours, not letting it rest much and I still haden't reach 100% and now i forgot the charger at home, so starting it's first day with 50%. So far I'm cheapish with it's usage, and it's holding up. The real roadtest will be tomorrow. Seminar day.

You're now wondering what that has to do with Sci-fi culture :)
I've just finished reading Caiphas Cain book I had managed to scavenge at the local Library (it isn't black). And my love for Warhammer 40K fills me with emotions. Well anyone knowing anything about 40K knows of the strong beliefs within both the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard.
Also during this weekend I finished off Empyrean Age by Tony Gonzales, which co insides very well with Inferno releasing the next day :)

But all the reading I notice a thing keep popping up (the Data slate). It's everywhere. and these books I believe were written before the release of Ipads atleast before they became common.
Thinking about Star trek, I recall them using dataslates to share information also. Thinking Star Wars I seem to have an impression they had them also.
Reading them as data slates for some week and a half, maybe 2 that name has stuck.
The Wife have her paddi, and she likes it, the kids like it, and it's Ipads.
When I took the 5" wifi slate home with me, they asked what it was and I answered a data slate, which they of course didn't understand. They had a look and it was from then on my Iphone.... Same thing with my sister in law saw it. it was my Iphone, when realising it was an android it was my mobile...

Completely ignoring the fact I kept calling it a slate, the Slate and so on.
After a few days they started simply correcting me to call it a tablet. (tablet is in danish a pill). I really don't like that word.

At any rate digging into what such a device should be used for, we actually quite quickly got to the conclusion that is was a datapad or slate...The wife being a sci-fi fan helps ;)
Now getting home yesterday with the 10.1" everything made more sense to the non believers.

I'm surprised how quickly I've managed to it up to my liking, there's still a few bugs that I can't seem to iron out or find a work around for, so all in all it's exactly what I want.
Next step will be figuring out how to mobilize it... A shoulder bag?
One thing is for certain I'm going have such a slate with me henceforth.

It's seemingly easy connection to the Google world with all the applications that offers where excell sheet is my last roadblock. Now I haven't written this blog on it, but every following Blog will be. And once I find a good way to send stuff for inspection back and forth it'll be perfect for showing stuff to people explaining stuff.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Insuing insanity

I was meaning to write in danish. I failed. Danish political fumblings in this awareness blog.

So the time finally came. My digital signature expired. I've known this would happen for 2 years now, and have had inklings as of it's effect. Ironically this happens on the days L160 enters it's last step to completion.
And for those of you not knowing L160, it's basically the law which dictates every danish person either accepts the NemID OCES terms of service\use or be a criminal. To cite one of my news medias.

For those that doesn't know what I'm talking about, let me line it up as simple as I can:
In Denmark the financial sector have created a company to handle digital identities. This started some 10 years ago with net banking not wanting to accept the official certificate solution which was a bit tricky to get running.
So they've created their own solution hand lobbied the Government into using the same scheme to enroll everyone into the digital age.
2 years ago they presented and launch then basically Single Sign On credentials under idea that it was a "digital Signature" meaning you and only you would have access to it. Oversimplifying it the rouse took good hold of the populace, piled onto it was the fact that all online banking required the use of the NemID.
In this day and age, few people can live without net banking a few have tried, and precious few resists. So of a populace of 5,5 million people was issues a NemID by the end of 2011.

Now for the funny part. the NemID credentials are owned, used and managed by this DanID firm, which is a private firm working for the Financial sector. Pretty much as a workers union, but for banks.
Yet with a simple check box, you agree by binding contract that NemID is as legally binding as well your passport, and can be used thusly in all danish government matters. It's infallible, so if anything is wrong, you are carring the risk and would be liable for the damages.

Thus far you can avoid the government part and use the ID for Banking purposes alone, thusly holding a barrier between the finacial sector and your government records, say insurrance companies will still have to ask permission to read your health records, and even inform you if they do. You do that by not aquiring both the NemID and activating the OCES certificate for it.

Currently the treasury minister is passing a law dictating that all goverment information is to be provided via digital means, and specificly via something called "E-Boks". This is rather convinient, if it was not for one simple fact. "E-Boks" is a privately owned company, and you have no claims on the information they store on your behalf. Also the only access to that system is via the NemID OCES or digital signatur OCES (the old PKI solution). Also mind you there's not the love option to withdraw your agreement with these firms....

Now to be fair within the law there's rules for exceptions. And these exceptions are claimed by showing up at the local municipality office and claim the rigth. Within the law there's indications as criteria you should fulfill to claim exception. Ohh, if you claim exception falsely you're guilty of fraud and can be sentenced to 4 years of jail... But the general understanding is that you can claim exception but you're are not suppose to and will be punished accordingly for it (when time permits).

So what the frag does all that have to do with me specifically.. Yea, as I mentioned from the start my original OCES certificate expired this Monday, thus I can't renew it and my only option to regain a such would be by accepting the terms of usage given by DanID. And I don't want to do that. So do I need one?
Well besides the inconvenience that I can not report taxes, sign my kids up for school or daycare. I can't interact much with governmental issues. But "E-Boks"....

In theory anything could be sent to be in that web mail and I'd be legally responsible for reading and acting upon it's constant. This is no matter if I have access or not. And for this I only have one option (get a NemID OCES).

As I keep telling people the coming years will be rather interesting times, things are actually going for the worse moving along a self destructive path. At some point the barriers of sanity will be broken and the times after that will be radically different then the day and age of today. Interesting indeed.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Further immergence into the Google world (Hardware)

So this was supposed to be written on a more mobile device and the thing that thus far has caugth my eye would be the Samsung Galaxy.

I'm starting to see the need for having a pad thing of sorts around. not only for the purpose of recreation. But knowing the inner workings and being familiar with them gives some nice pointers in the directions we're heading on the hardware side. Sure a PC will always be a PC, yet I notice that more and more see the benefit in getting a small desktop rather then a Laptop for the purpose of gaming, and the more work oriented free floaters are starting to settle with a laptop they like for office work. The rest are the gamers, casual floaters and kids. all these would naturally pick up a pad of sorts rather then messing about with a heavy laptop waiting for it to boot, or actually pick up a heavy slaptop.
Personally I've switched the slaptop with a desktop (SFF), considering that my gaming/art machine would need rather costly upgrades in order to last for very long. I'd like at least 5 years on my current system, and I can have that with various upgrades that i can built into a desktop but a slaptop would have to be purchased finalized, making it heavy and rather costly. But a desktop is slow not portable and cumbersome. Plus the system doesn't facilitate stuff like this very well.
You know once you finally settle in front of the screens you start getting into business and then all the fun stuff tends to fade and you never get around to it.
Same with all the creative stuff, you're never have a good option for putting down your thinking when you need to.
The solution in my case is the pad.

Now getting an Ipad seemed like a good idea 2 years ago. Today others have entered the marked. And frankly Android is more to my personal tastes of freedom of choice. so what's out there?
I've found the Samsung Galaxy as a potential option. Especially with my new found social portal that is my google account, which works nicely with Android.
So I'm currently running a test to see if the darned device meets my needs, and uhh am I needy :)

Using Latitude on a constant basis (trying that with BB is a fail), launching my self into Wikitude was also a fail, but where do you else get good AR?
At any rate I've borrowed a Samsung Galaxy S now, and first issue I get is the missing networkability. Sure it connects via WIFI, but I need more. Plus I was thinking of pad size. Never the less I like it thus far, the setting up is of course an ongoing process. I've got the better deal of my applications installed (Eve-radio, Aura, Facebook plus chat "fails", Latitude, Blogger "fails" and G+ "fails").
All in all I'm okay with the current failures to perform from some of the applications, and funny enough it's the vital ones. The battery time takes roughly 2-3 hours of Radio streaming or rather 2-3 hours of active usage. That means I'll need it pretty much power plugged, such is okay for the most part means I'll just always be seeking a power outlet where ever I settle on a location. And I kinda expect the same performance from the Pad version (I've noticed and picked the Samsung Galaxy 10.1).
Then what about usage? Well, drag n' drop works fine and intuitively. the keyboard took me a while to settle with. But 2 finger system and it works nicely, slowly compared to a standard keyboard, but I'm still faster on 2 fingers then 50% of my surroundings, so it'll be manageable. Down side is my big fingers, can't hit the keys on the small screen when it's upright, and horizontal removes the view area = I can't see what I'm doing. And if you've been reading any of my ramblings you'd know very well why that's a critical issue.
I expect the Pad to be bigger and thus will solve that issues....

Last 2 parts to deal with would then be finances ;)
Having the need for connectivity I'll need a mobile connection. In DK that's a nightmare. Spend in total some 9 hours reading terms and prices and lastly I found a page where they actually tested the lines.
As anyone knowing me would know, Speed is nice, but stable is way better.
Going through the price lists what I found was:
  1. High Speed for 200 MB/month, cutting to 0,25/0,25 megabits pr. second for 29,-
  2. High speed for 500 MB/month, cutting to 0,25/0,25 megabits pr. second for 39,-
  3. High speed for 1000 MB for 49.
I'm still not sure the first cut data rate is true, but it's what I can find.
Now 29,- pr month is a lot cheaper then both 39 and 49. The 49,- is around my data transfer needs, but there's no credit limit so I could end up using it 5 times in one month = 250,- So remove from line up.
That leaves 200 for 29 or 500 for 39. I know I use a little under 500 MB/ month on a regular use pattern, so I'd always be a cut speeds with the cheap model, but stable lines rather then speed and I'd manage. Plus the writing in small types that you'll get extra services, like a web mail, Free usage of music and a few more like that, seems tempting...
Finally I found the that review site, and albeit the reviews were of older date (3-6 months) I frankly think I'll settle with 500 for 39. Seemed that the cheaper wasn't able to actually deliver in the tests, and well that'll mean unstable connections and I hate that. Also it didn't help much that the most support from the 200  for 29 site I recieved thus far is the customers asking simple innocent questions for help, getting none (infact most of their issues seems to be network issues they can't do anything about) and when ever a customer care person shows up they just made things worse with promises that they couldn't keep or with suggestions to buy additional products meaning the 29 would quickly end up as 29 + something more + services plus something more, still with the looming prospect of unstable connections. By the way 29,- ddk is something like 5 US dollars or 4 Euro or 3 Pound Sterling.

In my worse judgements I'm still giving them a chance, I really don't know why and I should. My history with them has actually ended in a solemn oath never to return to their infrastructure if avoidable...... Seems something of a statement of bitter judgemental folks...... Yet all of my being screams at me. Yet the promise of extra services seems so appealing. Frak I hate that sales technique.

Ohh I wanted to put in some images of the current device, but my camera FUBAR'ed on me.
Instead let's use Google.
Test device Samsung Galaxy S : Google image search   Page at Samsung UK
Target device Samsung Galaxy 10.1: Google image search  Samsung site (UK)

I suppose I've been rambling along for far more then you wanted to read, so I'll cut it here.