Friday, December 21, 2012

The End?

Why not pick up on last post.

Today being the end of the world. A hot topic is what will you be doing if the world would come to an end tonigth.
Well, personally I'd be doing what I'm already doing. The show must go on and you'll never know how effective the apocalypse will be. Well, once you know it doesn't quite matter now does it.

What i do find amussing is how affected people in general are. From the loonies that builddoomsday bunkers to the loonies spending all their asserts as it won't matter. To the cynics that shakes their heads as a response to the loonies. But more so the public reaction to it.
Appearntly the morningshow have consisted 90% of this. I've noticed the FB and G+ streams to contians quite a bit of this (mostly comics and funny pics). But for some reason everyone around me seems to take it with some uuuh big thing....

Maybe I'm essentially a cynic myself as I really don't care (got better things to do), or maybe it's one of those  how's the weather thing. Surely i find a few of the funny pictures hilarious, at the same level as #caturnday.

Well though of the day. Now I think I'll better get back to the things I really want to finish off ASAP, like writing that mail I've been postponing for 4 days.

Incase I'm wrong and we'll have an apocalyse later on, Best of luck. May the randomness protect you all.

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