Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vacation time...

Welcome back there.

Rarely do I ever leave further then I can connect and keep updated at least on a daily basis. And with the current information flow a good deal of time is spend this way.
For instance, scanning Facebook news feed chronologically to see if anything important happened there in the past 24 hours usually takes 20 minutes or so, assuming there's nothing that really needs my grander attention.

Google+ is usually the same, yet with the few contact I have there I have to turn the stream down as much of the information in periods tend to be fairly time consuming.

Blogs, not a big deal on average 2 Blogs are published pr. day from my entire collection. Again in periods everyone publish at the same time, giving hunchbacks. Still not the bigger issue when i spend the some 30-45 minutes devoting attention to actually reading it and interact where appropriate.

My lofty goal of at least a blog publish every second day, seems to have dwindled. One reason is the lack of interaction, lack of followers essentially. With only 2-3 people reading or seeing a post on average, i don't feel that huge a commitment to stay committed, and my time is spend elsewhere doing other things rather then writing up new posts here. Of course that brings the Maxx Loproc project blog to a crawl, but nothing much goes on there anyway.

Now I've been on the family choice of vacation:
Summer cabin with  nice fireplace (average temps 10-15C daytime, 5-10C nighttime), No TV, No computers, No Telephone. If it doesn't run on "brainpower" it's banned...
Brainpower is a house term we use for activities that aren't run on electrical power, and is often used as a child punishment. There's little point in giving the kids house arrests, when they never leave the house, Not try a "brainpower day" where all entertainment is powered by your own imagination.... See first off it teaches them imagination.
Sorry, got sidetracked there.

Anyhow, spending the last week on vacation meaning no connectivity to anything that wasn't run on a piece of paper is a pleasant calm time. And I enjoy it as much as the kids enjoy my full and utter attention.

It's when I get back to the Internet it gets funny, since people suddenly find me available again. For the past 48 hours I've been clammed down at work. Not able to go in to much details here, but basically basic issues have showed them self, and been waiting for my return rather then just going through the workpipe. Basically the week I've been on vacation I've just not been doing the work and therefore it's waiting for me to do now, and currently I'm not shall we say having much spare time during the short work hours. I hope most people familiar with me would know that this results in me just running a bit faster, as I haven't broken yet I seem able to run faster.
Sometimes I get amused of considering what will happen when I finally crack, whether that be tomorrow or next century, it'll happen sooner or later, and I doubt the world will be fixed before then sooo...

Same goes with all these Internet things:
This blog, Facebook, G+, other peoples blogs....

Now you might wonder: Why doesn't i just cut the crap then. How important is Facebook really...
In truth not much which can be seen on the time consumption I have with it. 30-45 minutes to run it through and interact with the most important from these past 11 days offline.
It's roughly the time I'll spend authoring this post.
What i get out of it? Well currently I'm merely updated as to who's doing something different then usual. The most recent E scams running, the heads up news on peoples heads. (haven't followed the news, so can't say which important issues are currently active).
Sure I could cut it, but it's unlikely i will as the trade off is okay and I need to remain FB active a while longer.
Well going through G+ took me less then 10 minutes. Why?
I don't need to pick up why the Apple Mini sucks or sucks not. I don't need to digest the images that are in the stream. So basically I can skip everything, as long as I don't get involved in anything. Easy...

 Reading Blogs.... This I started already back Sunday, and I've spend an hour or 3 doing so already, but I still have the 5-10 hour backlog now. Why do it?
Because i care.

Now you might know why I'm reluctant to hold vacations. But what's your take on taking vacations?
Bring some feedback. Let's bring some life here.

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