Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Taking ones time.

As those that have been digging out my blog here will know most of my google experience stems from the usage of a Samsung Tabs 2 10.1" Wow a long name... My Slate. I use it for everything that is connected with Android and a lot of things that are based around Google. Like Google Drive (Generic spreadsheets for game logs). Latitude to find specific location of people that needs a ride from somewhere. G+, well if that needs an explanation get with the program. Google Navigation or Maps for GPS navigation (I usually have no idea of where anything is). And Turf for a but of fun. It's a GPS capture the flag game via android. "Turf", look it up, it's fun.

Something I had an initial idea would be great to use the Slate for was this:
Blogging, but it's not. In general it's just a huge mobile phone and the keyboard vs Blogger aren't quite working to a level that it's usable, unless you do the default 5 lines -> Publish -> Twitter -> expose, expose expose. And if you'd been reading just one of my post you'd know I'm not going there, even though I don't do much editorial on them.

And as usual 'm taking my time to underline the premise of my points.
I've finally found out what the Blogloving thing that keeps popping up every is.
It's basically a Blog Twitter.
I see the point in using it, considering SOE and stuff like that. But I don't Blog with SOE in mind.
I blog to put my mind on paper. It's nice that my thinking is shared, but frankly my mind isn't for everyone, and some might even get hurt. So keeping it relatively low key here.

Of course I have a desire to discuss what I put to file, yet I also understand very few people even comprehend my logic, even fewer catch my everlasting underlines. So I've grown natural to the concept that this is one way communication, if even that much.

Now stuff like Blogloving and Twitter, as said I understand the basic working of it. What I don't understand is why people bother. Using tools like this leaves you in a state where you'll always be the last to know. Unless you're the creator. It leaves no time for reflexion, you just press on.
And as much as I endorse such attitude of persistence, I always fail to see the end goal. The larger picture, where is it, that people are going?

I'm still amazed of the pace I see people having these days, until I realize the pace is reached by disregarding the past.
But that's my conclusions, what are yours?

1 comment:

  1. Nu fik jeg endelig taget mig sammen til at læse dette indlæg... Ja det er noget man lige skal spare kræfter op til sommetider.. Ha Ha.. Men vil lige sige at dette er et af de indlæg jeg forstår bedst.. Normalt er jeg lidt i tvivl om hvad du egentlig mener eller hvor det føre hen, men dette indlæg er langt bedre end de andre jeg har læst.. Super. Det gør at jeg ikke mister koncentrationen og faktisk læser det hele ord for ord uden at skulle starte forfra et sted.. Tak for oplevelsen.. ha ha
