Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Further immergence into the Google world (Hardware)

So this was supposed to be written on a more mobile device and the thing that thus far has caugth my eye would be the Samsung Galaxy.

I'm starting to see the need for having a pad thing of sorts around. not only for the purpose of recreation. But knowing the inner workings and being familiar with them gives some nice pointers in the directions we're heading on the hardware side. Sure a PC will always be a PC, yet I notice that more and more see the benefit in getting a small desktop rather then a Laptop for the purpose of gaming, and the more work oriented free floaters are starting to settle with a laptop they like for office work. The rest are the gamers, casual floaters and kids. all these would naturally pick up a pad of sorts rather then messing about with a heavy laptop waiting for it to boot, or actually pick up a heavy slaptop.
Personally I've switched the slaptop with a desktop (SFF), considering that my gaming/art machine would need rather costly upgrades in order to last for very long. I'd like at least 5 years on my current system, and I can have that with various upgrades that i can built into a desktop but a slaptop would have to be purchased finalized, making it heavy and rather costly. But a desktop is slow not portable and cumbersome. Plus the system doesn't facilitate stuff like this very well.
You know once you finally settle in front of the screens you start getting into business and then all the fun stuff tends to fade and you never get around to it.
Same with all the creative stuff, you're never have a good option for putting down your thinking when you need to.
The solution in my case is the pad.

Now getting an Ipad seemed like a good idea 2 years ago. Today others have entered the marked. And frankly Android is more to my personal tastes of freedom of choice. so what's out there?
I've found the Samsung Galaxy as a potential option. Especially with my new found social portal that is my google account, which works nicely with Android.
So I'm currently running a test to see if the darned device meets my needs, and uhh am I needy :)

Using Latitude on a constant basis (trying that with BB is a fail), launching my self into Wikitude was also a fail, but where do you else get good AR?
At any rate I've borrowed a Samsung Galaxy S now, and first issue I get is the missing networkability. Sure it connects via WIFI, but I need more. Plus I was thinking of pad size. Never the less I like it thus far, the setting up is of course an ongoing process. I've got the better deal of my applications installed (Eve-radio, Aura, Facebook plus chat "fails", Latitude, Blogger "fails" and G+ "fails").
All in all I'm okay with the current failures to perform from some of the applications, and funny enough it's the vital ones. The battery time takes roughly 2-3 hours of Radio streaming or rather 2-3 hours of active usage. That means I'll need it pretty much power plugged, such is okay for the most part means I'll just always be seeking a power outlet where ever I settle on a location. And I kinda expect the same performance from the Pad version (I've noticed and picked the Samsung Galaxy 10.1).
Then what about usage? Well, drag n' drop works fine and intuitively. the keyboard took me a while to settle with. But 2 finger system and it works nicely, slowly compared to a standard keyboard, but I'm still faster on 2 fingers then 50% of my surroundings, so it'll be manageable. Down side is my big fingers, can't hit the keys on the small screen when it's upright, and horizontal removes the view area = I can't see what I'm doing. And if you've been reading any of my ramblings you'd know very well why that's a critical issue.
I expect the Pad to be bigger and thus will solve that issues....

Last 2 parts to deal with would then be finances ;)
Having the need for connectivity I'll need a mobile connection. In DK that's a nightmare. Spend in total some 9 hours reading terms and prices and lastly I found a page where they actually tested the lines.
As anyone knowing me would know, Speed is nice, but stable is way better.
Going through the price lists what I found was:
  1. High Speed for 200 MB/month, cutting to 0,25/0,25 megabits pr. second for 29,-
  2. High speed for 500 MB/month, cutting to 0,25/0,25 megabits pr. second for 39,-
  3. High speed for 1000 MB for 49.
I'm still not sure the first cut data rate is true, but it's what I can find.
Now 29,- pr month is a lot cheaper then both 39 and 49. The 49,- is around my data transfer needs, but there's no credit limit so I could end up using it 5 times in one month = 250,- So remove from line up.
That leaves 200 for 29 or 500 for 39. I know I use a little under 500 MB/ month on a regular use pattern, so I'd always be a cut speeds with the cheap model, but stable lines rather then speed and I'd manage. Plus the writing in small types that you'll get extra services, like a web mail, Free usage of music and a few more like that, seems tempting...
Finally I found the that review site, and albeit the reviews were of older date (3-6 months) I frankly think I'll settle with 500 for 39. Seemed that the cheaper wasn't able to actually deliver in the tests, and well that'll mean unstable connections and I hate that. Also it didn't help much that the most support from the 200  for 29 site I recieved thus far is the customers asking simple innocent questions for help, getting none (infact most of their issues seems to be network issues they can't do anything about) and when ever a customer care person shows up they just made things worse with promises that they couldn't keep or with suggestions to buy additional products meaning the 29 would quickly end up as 29 + something more + services plus something more, still with the looming prospect of unstable connections. By the way 29,- ddk is something like 5 US dollars or 4 Euro or 3 Pound Sterling.

In my worse judgements I'm still giving them a chance, I really don't know why and I should. My history with them has actually ended in a solemn oath never to return to their infrastructure if avoidable...... Seems something of a statement of bitter judgemental folks...... Yet all of my being screams at me. Yet the promise of extra services seems so appealing. Frak I hate that sales technique.

Ohh I wanted to put in some images of the current device, but my camera FUBAR'ed on me.
Instead let's use Google.
Test device Samsung Galaxy S : Google image search   Page at Samsung UK
Target device Samsung Galaxy 10.1: Google image search  Samsung site (UK)

I suppose I've been rambling along for far more then you wanted to read, so I'll cut it here.


  1. Blaaaa Blaaaa Blaaaa... ha ha ha.... skulle lige prøve kommentere en blog... og ja det skal gå ud over dig... :)

    1. Du kunne da godt have kommenteret på indholdet nu du selv er igang :)
      Under alle omstændigheder er det rart at se hvordan feedback virker.

  2. og nu mener du jeg skal læse hele den roman for at lære noget om kasser.... hmmmmmm forget it... ha ha...
