So the paycheck finally arrived. Now new problem arises
1. I want a dataslate.
2. I need to pay subscription costs for Eve.
3. I got a backlash from utillity bills, making it factor 3.
This is in the order of what I want, rather then what I need.
Of course I need to pay the backlash payment on the utility bill, secondly I need to pay subscriptions for my Eve (2 mains) and what's leftover I can play with.
The operation is relatively simple: I have let's say 10.000, using clean numbers with no reference to reality, as I'm uncomfortable putting that online. 10 grand is a nice round number...
So working backwards, the Utility bills are little less then 6k, the Eve subscription is roughly 1k (x2) and a dataslate would be roughly 3500-4000. Summing up= 11,5-12 K and continuing: 11,5-12k > 10k = I don't get a Slate....
Okay, I whine, therefore I am???
Not really, so, what to do...
The Utility is non negotiable, it's 6k,- that's it. Everything else we can shuffle around.
First step: Eve.... 2k for 2x1 years... Well we're in June now, so maybe we can cut that back. Coupled with the Freebie Project, maybe I can cut it even more. But how much. Going to do a long shot and do it at half price = 1k for 2x 6months??
It's a bit of a gamble as fund will not flow until next year again for sure..
Then the slate?
I've tested and tried the Samsung Galaxy 10.1, and the Samsung Galaxy 5(WIFI) and I like them. Last week it took a price jumps + the Tab 2 is on sale, but it's still 3,5k I need to push it down to 3k.
That means waiting...
Things that spring to mind while you sit there:
I want the data slate as it's an android platform that works well with Google Maps, latitude and navigation.
Now I see something called ChomeOS, and I rather want the ChomeOS tablet 10.1. Yet I know nothing about it or whether I can even use it. But I bet it's cheaper. Also I'm sure it's more directly connected then Android.
In the end I'll just have to wait and see where things drop off.
I don't like hanging myself in the Freebie project path, but "working" a few hours each day, should be enough to carry both Maxx Loproc and other toons, but I'm most scared I might need outside help.
What I hate the most is having to stand idle and wait for things to happen. Things I can't really control, but i keep thinking I can.
While at it, hoping to win the lottery doesn't make things worse. Would be a nice addition in the project of removing economical dependencies....
Livet er hårdt og uretfærdigt.... og så dør man!