Monday, August 5, 2013

It's been awhile.

So it's been quite awhile since I've been writting here.
It's not the first time I run into break when I'm doing this. And you migth ask why did I return now?

  1. Project Cykelklovnen has completed. (4500 kms bike riding done, wrote the blog, got the T-Shirt).
  2. I therefore started closure of my Facebook account.
  3. I've aquired way too many old classical PC games.
  4. I've been invited to a Bloggers meet up.

I'll run over these one by one, so feel free to skip sections of me you don't align with.

1: Project Cykelklovnen has completed. (4.500 kms bike riding done, wrote the blog, got the T-Shirt).

Cryptically as usual, I've written a blog about this whole thing (in danish), I've gotten a good load of sponsored clothings and so on. As said, wrote a blog, go read that for details.
For the summary: During this spring and summer I was challenged to ride a bicycle from Aarhus to Paris which is roughly 1350 kms. That's not something you just do, so I've been training for it riding some 3.000 kms during spring and summer. Most surpricingly I've got some kind of bodyhealth back so now I can actually move arround again and still breathe. I've kinda stopped smoking on a daily basic, and reserve that as party thing in line with drinking. No, I don't drink a bottle of red wine everyday to get a little buzzed.

In my world it's not that big a thing. It's note worthy. It's taken some work. Some sacrifies have been made. I've reached a body state I'm more content with then I've had for 2 decades. I'll need more training to perform even better. As said: It's not a big thing and it's in the past anyhow.

As for those reading the blog... Yep: I managed to provide some purple to the team, fitting in is for the uninspired.

2: I started closure of my Facebook account.

Yep, facebook have been a torn in my eyes for quite awhile now. Last year I gave it some 6 months to shape up or GTFO.
Needless to say facebook didn't shape up, infact they'd gotten way worse. The issue of overwriting you contact information with their data back in february didn't even shock me.
I've been hating all this since I noticed Iphones where tracking your geolocations for the advertizing databases behind your back, and wouldn't admit to it. Here in June facebook was hacked and according to law they had to disclose what information was accessed and exposed... Of course they tried to downplay that they had not legitimite rigth to the information that was hacked, and hide from public what data was exposed.... Of course the hackers then made their data public, and another FB scandal was born.
The great fun in this (not fun as in ha ha) is that very few even noticed. Maybe that was contributed the fact the Facebook share price went up... Thus Wallstreet got paid, nevermind that average joe once again was molsted to a degree he doesn't even understand.
It's all about trust these days. Everything is freely obtainable, there are few or no secrets left for those with resources to aquire them.
And as I've proberbly mentioned before. I use G+ for 1 single reason: It's the only place you tick things off, everywere else you have to remove ticks you don't want. I use G+ because of that mindset. 
Let me choose what I want want, not what I don't want to pay...

Basicly: I've just today deleted my facebook account and I'm not going back. Got a couple of gaming accounts I migth use, both to have a look and to do that Facebook gaming.... Maybe... maybe not, what facebook game is really worth my time now I think about it...... Well, I need to have the occational look to maintain the knowledge of where they are. I suppose...

3: I've aquired way too many old classical PC games.

For a while now I've grown tired of my Eve-Online. The crowd have left, the subscribtion fee is takng it's toll, well sure I pay using ingame currency, but it takes me 20-30 hours pr week to gather that. Not smoking grants me real money to simply just pay up, and then why even log in as I don't really have a goal. Well I've got plenty goals, but I'm very much alone in there these days and I haven't had the energy to change that.
Also I've had way many classic games I've never got further with. Plus Good Old Games have had some unfair sales lately. Now I've got Diablo 2, Dawn of War 2, Baldurs gate and stuff, Fallout 1 & 2, Civilization IV, Settlers 2, Neverwinter Night 1 & 2, and the minecraft servers, Don't starve (I know).
For frag sake I need a couple of life times to deal with all that. Some are biblophiles, maybe i've gamophile :)
If anyone have intrest I can workout some more game oriented posts and place them else where, maybe in the project pages, create a new blog and so on. Could be fun, but I'm not going to do it for me, myself and I.

4: I've been invited to a Bloggers meet up.

It's not visible, but I've been on the blogging thing since before it was invented. I'm doing it wrong, sure. And frankly I'm not sure what to make of this blog, nor most of the others.
The Cykelklovnen blog I was somewhat happy with, It could use a loving hand in the design department and so on (all my blogs need that), but it had a clear purpose. the thread I'm frequently accussed of missing. Most often I do have a thread or red line, but it's buried so deep in hidden contextual matter and references only I know (or people that knows me very very well, better then the wife) that nobody notices it.
This blog for instance is mostly some form of diary or journal of my existance, my eveblog os some form of diary or journal of that characters life/exitance. My project blog is some form of diary or journal of that projects life/existance... do we have a common theme here? Cykelklovnen was to provide documentation and exposure of a project (not my project), still it takes the form of a diary or journal. That's becoming rather tedious now. At anyrate I've been invited to attent a bloggers meet up and I intent to join, even got a few I want to inite myself. I've never tried it, but i suspect an exchange of experience and ideas in this field. I have made a bucket of choises to land here. I see other making the same choices, but different answers. one example could be adSense. I don't use it as I don't want to advertise or generate revenue with this. Well i suppose anything is up for discuession, and I don't have the traffic to be interrestig so easy answer for me, harder for others. Another thing that is rather popular in the blogoshere is having the author review something.. Again that's something you won't see here. The idea is you get something and then you write a review. Hmmm, again. I'm being idealistic but if Google gave me a Glass, would I accept it? Would I accept it on terms that I needed to write a review.... Would I accept it on terms that I needed to write a positive review: NO!
Would my review be positive: Most likely.
Would I aquire and review a pair on my own: Sure (if i had the resources).
Well interresting things to flip with participents plus I've got a few to invite myself if they have the time.

5: Now what?

Rigth so breaks over. Now what? I don't have a clear plan, and I don't think I'll write each and every day again. Maybe I should try for that weekly update thing. have an open post I'll be working on all week. post it on Sunday....

PS. The title comes from an audio in my mind, where the words are spoken by Deckard Cain from Diablo, and his voice is very similar to Warrics and reminds me of something Star Trekish, maybe Patrick Stewart  Yes some of my text actually have a sound and/or reference. Maybe I should make an effort in fleshing them out once in a while.

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