Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Liebster blog awards

So apparently I've been nominated for something  called  a Liebster blog award.
At first glance it's sort of a chain letter thing and as I always do with these things, I break the chain.
It's kind of a principle of mine not keep such things going. often they are pretty harmless and sweet, but some are rather nasty, when you look at them. Basically encouraging to do some form of harm to other, most often but passing on the chain.

So let's have a look at this:
  1. Everyone nominated must write 11 fact about one self.
  2. Answer the 11 questions posed by the nominator.
  3. Choose 11 new victims to pass on the chain and relink their blogs. (I won't do that, first off most of the blogs I read have a higher SOE then to bother, and if anyone wanted to do this they could and would simply pick it up)
  4. They need to have less then 200 readers.... Well, do I really need to dig those numbers out.
  5. Go to their page and tell them.
  6. Nominees can't back out. Hmm, sure they can. if they want to, they shouldn't be nominated in the first place. Think before acting, and do think again. It never hurts :)

So those are the rules, and feel free to go nominate people, the basic idea is good for any blog that hasn't already invalidated the award.

So Jea's Blanke Tanker nominated me and I will pick it up. She writes in danish, so I'll translate of course.

  1. What matters most to you in life?
  2. What's the most awesome experience you've had with you blog?
  3. How much of my blog have you been reading, and what is your favorite post?
  4. What is the most embarrassing you want to share with your readers?
  5. What is the last thing you ate?
  6. What animal would you compare yourself against?
  7. When was the last time you where treated to a really good time?
  8. When was the last time you were really scared?
  9. What was the last movie you watched?
  10. Who in your family do you admire the most?
  11. When was the last time you did a good deed?
I'll get back you answering when I've completed the other tasks...
Ohh that's easy write down 11 facts...

Let's see:

  1. I rarely only do one thing at anytime.
  2. I used to be a Lifeguard.
  3. I consume 3-4 liters of coffee everyday, by default.
  4. I've got children, 3 of them?
  5. I rarely sleep more ten 4 hours a day.
  6. I'm always 5-10 minutes late.
  7. I finally just picked up nineteen eighty four by George Orwell.
  8. I have my honor badge as, most Alternative Troubleshooter of my class, hanging at my office.
  9. I'm a certified sports couch.
  10. I'm an excellent marksman using rifles.
  11. I had schematic to recreate a arm-keyboard qwerty style, the size and essentially rip-off from The movie predator, 1 year before the Nokia Communicator reached the market. Cardboard prototypes with interfaces etc.

Well that's 11 uncommon facts I don't mind sharing with the WWW.
So for the questions:

1. What matters most to you in life?

This is a rather hard question to ask a person with my mindset, the quick and simple answer is nothing. The political correct answer is my family, children, wife etc expand as you wish. Truth is that what matter the most to me is my mind. I'm curious by nature and without a mind cable to actually cope with the loads of information I tend to gather from my unsuspecting surrounding, I'd be boredom which is essentially what I'd consider a slow death.

2. What's the most awesome experience you've had with you blog?

That's an easy one. I've had no experiences with my blog I deem worthy to even remotely remember.
Maybe with more activity and so on, but until people ready to read it finds it, it's merely an outward channel, with no reactions.

3. How much of my blog have you been reading, and what is your favorite post?

I've actually been reading all of Jea's Blanke Tanker. I rarely go more then a few hours after a new post before I read it. Often I forget or don't want to comment. Maybe i should make more of an effort to do so. Considering what my favorite post would be.... hvordan så hun det.. That one I believe.

4. What is the most embarrassing you want to share with your readers?

Now that's a funny question. As what's embarrassing tome, migth not be so for you, and vice versa.
I don't share stuff that I find personally embarrassing, at least to a higher degree then if we actually saw eye to eye  over a barrel of coffee.

5. What is the last thing you ate?

White bread with butter and ham.

6. What animal would you compare yourself against?

If you need to ask, you don't really know me.

Does Tigger count???? To be more serious in the matter: Lynx

7. When was the last time you where treated to a really good time?

First off, I truly can't remember. Secondly, again: What you consider a royal time, I most likely will find dull and some task I need to be done with in order to have a great time.

8. When was the last time you were really scared?

I've been thinking about this fore a while now. Last summer I was scared and choked by a spider attacking, and I remember this because it once more showed me how I'd react in panicked situations. I was truly scared for 3 seconds, but that's all it takes rigth.
The more abstract form of being scared... Not really it's not in my blood, you'd have to tap into my primeval fears to trigger a response, which then would be instinctive and reactive.

9. What was the last movie you watched?

I need a while to remember: Dark Knigth Rises (Batman), can't remember if that was 4 or 11 days ago.

10. Who in your family do you admire the most?

That's an easy one. My grandfather, after that I'd say my father. They are and were a strange bunch, but they have/had character that demanded respect.

11. When was the last time you did a good deed?

What's a good deed really? If I give an alcholic a bottle of Liquor, he'd praise me for it, and call it a good deed, would you?
If I carry someone through life is that a good or sad deed?
If I kick someone that spite me and thus succeed, would me kicking them be a good deed?
I don't count or monitor when I do good or bad deeds. I merely act and hope you benefit the most from my actions, whether or not my actions involves any type of sacrifice on my part, And I'd certainly not bother you with my choices. I'm responsible for my own actions and not how you perceive them. You should remember and contemplate this as a universal truth, and then you can start asking yourself if that itself was a good deed.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Reflexions on the attitude of current people

It's been a while since last as I've had less time actively online. I'll see if I can remedy that.

Yesterday I got the inspiration for this, and I'll try something new.
I already have a point to make : I'm seeing greedy, give me more styles people everywhere with little or no will to earn their keep.
I find it to be a global problem of the current generations.
I think I'm different.
And I have of cause the rigth thinking anybody just need to eliminate this issue. :)

This is my pretext and soon I'll start hitting the keys and throw one random though after the other to explain, clarify, justify etc. why exactly the way I think is the only rigth way.
With a hint of irony people actually knowing me, would also know that I'm merely complaining, pointing and hope someone would benefit from what I consider clear vision, yet no necessary something that should be adopted.

Hmmm maybe my constant ambivalent attitude for all esthetic concepts, sorry I'm a Libra.

On with the show shall we:

For the past 10 years roughly I've been a very integrated part of a local community thing, basically it started as a net cafe back when people went to places like that to play video games, simply course having a gaming rig at home was not for everyone. It was just before that shifted and the price for PC went down far enough for people to start acquire them, getting Internet connections at home and so forth. With that trend on the move the business model in it wasn't good, and putting personal wages on the expense list simply wasn't an option. The cafe was in danger of closing for this reason. But instead the owner decided to offer the whole setup as a volunteer project. We had the equipment, the software and the clients were steady and helpful engaging people.
Soon it's opening hours were in the afternoon / evening with volunteers overseeing the administrative part of unlocking the machines for usage and stuff. Thing we were some 10 people putting in oversight hours and the former owner being chairman of it putting in some 50 hours a week. Off this of pure passion. I was there from the start being the accountant, meaning i have the past 10 years of financial records. We had some 500 member using it. After a few years the bookkeeper stopped and I was appointed that task on my own admission. Loads of stuff I was always trying to make the Bookkeeper understand, like for instance the benefit of having the financial records on Excel sheets rather then in analogue ledger books and using paper notes for all and every transaction. Being the bookkeeper I made it so. This spring I passed the torch. Been meaning to do so for a long time, the job was easy after I've made most things rather automatic, and we got sponsored by the local munity with housings and utilities.
Over the years the engagement have slowly deteriorated to the point that currently I know of only 10-20 confirmed members, 7 being needed for the management that enables the setup to work in the first place.
Being a gaming centric thing we draw in young people, many of those have grown up, hell even I've grown older with multiple kids of my own. Which is why I'm slowly exiting the setup and passing on the torch.
The chairman kept putting in the hours, even increasing them, with passion and vigilance (he's in the 60's now), and the price has finally caugth up with him and he's not even part of the setup today.

All the time the Idea was to have the young people enter the management part of the setup to ensure it's legacy, and there's more to it then just playing some video games. It's always been a place open to anyone, embraceing anyone.... See why we got local sponsorship?
But the youth never really entered management, that part was taken care of by current management so why bother. This spring we were down to the Chairman, I and 1-2 others still actively keeping things aloft, The chairman had to drop his role as the workload and engagement was ruining him and had been for quite a while. I wanted to stop s I was never there anymore, focusing on raising my own kids rather then raising other (I'm one of those people that needs 18-20 hours a day to complete the daily list of things I want done, and it's not enough). So currently the management is comprised of the youth using the setup, or what's left of it. They are actually even only doing it under threats that is they don't it's close down.
So considering they are young and new to it all, nothing has happen to the setup, and it keeps declining, and it's currently dangerously close to lose sponsorship due to lack of engagement.
Since the start of this setup I've been part of it on the sideline, offering help and advise, but not being willing to do things, simply under the idea that "I won't stay around and you need to learn..."
I spend my Wednesday simply being available for them, most often I just sit at watch YouTube, as there are no one to help or anyone that wants help. Also the setup needs regular announced opening hours or lose sponsorship. The fact I'm present solves this issue for now.

Okay that was a very long background explanation to something else: No one want to pull their load!
This attitude I seem to encounter with many of the younger generation?
Someone will provide for me.          Erhhh no!
If you want something done, let someone else do it?     Erhh, no!

What happened to: I want to carve out my own place in life, and I will eat dust if that's what it takes.

I grew up in a time when things started to move from Though luck. -> That's too bad, we need to help this poor fellow.

It's been a very long time since I've talked to anyone declining alms, under the idea that they wanted to make their own.

I'm told my ideology surrounding this is stupid. Why decline help if you could benefit. When i start explaining I want to prove that I can do, and I can pull my own load. I get this baffled look. People shake their heads and call me stupid.
Sure it's stupid, it's a principle. Show me one principle that isn't stupid once pressed to the edge. But isn't that the very nature of a principle.

See this is where I starting thinking out loud:
So if principles by nature are stupid act, that are justified by higher means for serving a higher purpose. What higher purposes are people in general driving at? Where are they heading?
Guess I have moral discuessing too rarely :)
This is actually something I'd really like to know, so please, put in a few comments about your principles and especially your "higher purpose". I promise I won't judge, much.
But I from current memory can't put a finger on anyone having a set course towards a higher purpose, starting this thing most youngers don't have any. Well besides greed.
Yes sorry, that's one of my troubles with the times, greedy people. No one ever have enough, they always want more, simply to get more. Very few people will adhere to being content with current state of living.
I won't get into that today.

My starting point was: I'm seeing greedy, give me more styles people everywhere with little or no will to earn their keep.

I didn't make that point very well now did I?
I'll do that in short then: Ask around who'd decline alms/charity/sponsor with no attachment other then the label that they are getting it. Add to it, do they need it (of cause), and why? Do you agree?

Asking around, I'm sure you'll come to the same conclusion:

I find it to be a global problem of the current generations.

I think I'm different.
Of course I am, who isn't. Best question would be, are you different?

And I have of cause the rigth thinking anybody needs to eliminate this issue. :)
Of cause I do, question is what other issues thinking as I do would raise. The principle of Do or Die actually means someone will die... I won't tell anyone if that's a good or bad thing, but it's fact.