Thursday, May 3, 2012

Privacy settings, what do you mean by that?

So it's time to write up one of those thinking out loud posts, was thinking of writing futher about the Freebi project, but there's more to my rambling then a simple project.

Now I've been hanging on here for a few days or weeks, guided here by the fantastic marketing principles that are coming from Google. At first all i need, and still need is a navigation application for my Blackberry. Being the Nokia guy and being used to their Ovi maps for quite a while the transistion from Nokia to BB was somewhat horrific, and I still have the few setting issues to smoothen out, but it'll come along eventually. Frankly I need a software for sound editing that I can figure out how to use and that can create MP3's plus I need the time to settle down and get the sounds rigth the way i want them.

At any rate I stumbled across Latitude remembering the how flawless Google maps is, and being presented with the Google navigation used on an Android phone, I knew rigth away the Latitude was the thing I was seeking, I found it/installed it on the BB, yet to my disarray it's not working very well and the navigation isn't working either, at least as intented. I could have lived with the 5-6 hours of battery time having the Compass running non stop. But Latitude and my BB doesn't get along as latitude is not permitted to use the compass or something like that (I'm investigating). After these few weeks it's simply become way unstable though, same with the G+ app for BB. In fact I'm close to getting an extra mobil or pad for this purpose alone.... I've seen one on Frankly i migth want it simply to use as a mobile platform. If you know of any good models please let me know so i can have a closer look..

Back to the point enlisting to Latitude, having a Gmail, and finally adding myself to the G+ network (yet another social thing) knowing my affinity for personal disorders (I've got more fake IDs then I have games). I fear that the google network would end up being just another....

Yet i have trouble placing it. Their views on the groupings using circles is rather comforting compared to the usual friend or not friend. Like they for one accept the fact we all interact in different setting. We don't say the same thing to everybody we know, we don't want to listen to everybody we know all the time. Like not all my hobbies doesn't really apply to you, but some of my hobbies migth have a great interest with you.

Yet i can't quite get it to work. One of my major problems is the fact I don't really know what interests me. Google haven't found out yet, I'm sure they will eventually, either that or i simply end up ruining their profiling. (It happens, i mess up my own profiling).
But at least it has potential, funny thing I've realized with Socials is that you effectively have to just drop the privacy settings. It's like either you go all in or you migth as well just stay back.

And this is where I start getting scared. My mind sees complex enough patterns to realized how most of these things work, where we're heading, the effect of what's going on. Stopping it, stemming the tide is a whole other matter. I don't even want to begin trying to understand the effects of my privacy settings, understanding where my information/data ends up etc. But does that mean I should keep everything in the business facade front "I'm running for President".
If that's the case, I should be on any of these things, as that'd be a very gray, rainy world. and frankly I like purple more.
Besides anonymity (being unknown) is not something you can do online anymore. In fact if you want to be incognito you need to stay offline. (profiling stuff gives away insane information if gathered).

I noticed some younger modern tech guys slowly adapting the philosophy that all data was exposed and available to everyone in the near future, and I see where they're going. But will they be rigth, and if not who's gonna stop em. (As opposed to the doctrine that data is owned by the creator, and access is well guarded).
Actually it's a quite funny thing that is currently going on in Denmark.
Everything is officially managed via Social sec. numbers, and a few + all the official channels consider this to be a unique identified that the person knowing this number is the person in the database. Reality is that these numbers listed with names are in fact to common online that anyone using a few minutes can pick up a name and Sec number and use it for what ever they like.
But there you have perceived reality that doesn't quite mix with reality. It's always fun to watch when that clashes. Hell when it happens to you. But at some point some one's gotta see the bigger picture, trouble is whether it's before or after some big scandal...

Okay, if you've been reading all the way down here you migth notice I don't quite have a stringent line of thinking, or criss cross all over the place. I migth, migth not have a point. This is how my mind works. This is what happens when I think out loud. I use the labels? Etiketter? to give a hint what I'm writing down. Just remember I'm merely trying to manage Chaos here. Ohh I love feedback...

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