Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The TODO list management (Part 1)

So After a while of thinking things through I finally committed to get a little more structure to my life.
One of the methods I've over the years have been suggested is the creation of TODO lists.

You know those lists where you'll put down all the things you need to do, and strike them off one by one?

Trouble with me is my ability to find things that never ends. So an item on my TODO list usually becomes yet another thing I have to deal with from now onward, until it becomes routine, and then i don't need it as an item on the list, same as I don't need to put toilet breaks on it. I've after all come to an age where I knows these things by heart.

Recently my wife suggested me to do a different strategy on the use of them.
Combine it with planning. Hmmm, Todo + planning it migth work. Well first it was suggested I went into one of these great teenage fits, simply by the fact that one of the presenters main objectives were: Priorities, fixing priorities. And that doesn't go well with me. I'm already spending 140% of the day just to keep up with the few things I've downrigth cut it back to. Making more cutbacks aren't really something anyone wants to see.

Anyway TODO + Planning.
So far I've spend a good while getting the first weeks TODO in order, and I'm keeping some notes for revision later (part 2).

In general the grand idea looks good on paper, but blogger isn't on the TODO list (Fixing mail inbox was).
I assume this will take a while to get into, being focus on the boring task, stop procrastinating etc etc. But let's see.

By the way if you have any great ideas, don't hesitate to share them, I need a laugh ;)

1 comment:

  1. Jeg synes selv de der liste kan være ret gode, dog er det rigtig vigtigt at man kun skriv til man ved man kan klare og at man ikke skrive for mange ting på en gang. kan også været en ide at indlægge tidsrum hvor man slet intet skal. Det ved jeg at jeg engang imellem selv skal huske. Man skal også huske at hvis man nu ikke når en af de der ting, så er det okay.
